MovieChat Forums > GammaScorpii
GammaScorpii (14)
It's the tiktok crowd and gen z humour
Yeah and both were in the top 250 on IMDB at some point, I think still are. OP makes it seem as if they were fails.
To answer your first question, yes.
And are we hanging the evidence of physical and sexual abuse allegations on his text messages? You don't have to be proud of them lol
I take it when you posted this 14 days ago you hadn't seen the past 14 days of hilariously incompetent defence.
What's concerning for Amber is that a video she privately recorded of him yelling and throwing shit around a kitchen is the best evidence we have of him being an abuser. None of these recordings have shown to prove any of her long list of physical and sexual abuse allegations. I love how you added that she appeared to do nothing to him. Because the video was of the whole day right, and didn't start from when he was already yelling?
And text messages? Is it not possible that "burn her" could also mean "take her down in court"? You've never talked in a non-literal sense in casual messages with friends?
She never actually donated any of that money, to top it all off.
100% romcom? I didn't really see much of the romcom genre, but yeah it was pretty varied overall.
Just saw it on a pretty big screen. Unfortunately it looked like they were literally playing the 4k bluray through the projector. Looked pretty soft on a screen that size, plus they didn't scan it in correctly. Was left with a 2.35:1 image in a black rectangle that wasn't extended across the whole screen.
Another thing that was kind of irritating was the grade! Looked crushed and the contrast seemed way higher than I remember it. Kind of like how you watch standard res Netflix and all the movies are black as coal.
Was pretty disappointing but having not seen the film for many years it was hard to walk out disappointed.
Hmmm, wasn't that scene a daydream of a character who lives in a movie which was a fictional account of history?
I didn't have a problem with it and I love Bruce Lee.
I mean he did work closely on From Dusk Till Dawn which kind of went into that realm.
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