wayfarer's Posts

Self serving garbage. Now, he's not just a terrible comedian, a rapist too! Silly Outrage Over Pope Picture Showed How Big Catholic Lobby Is In USA Too much personal life, barely any boxing! What's with the new Mickey Rourke Look? Does Wesley Snipes get no credit for Blade (1998) ??? DON'T HIRE PEOPLE FROM THE CURRENT ADMINISTRATION IF YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE UNBIASED MSNBC "Jay and Silent Bob are terrible, one-note jokes that only stoners laugh at. They're fucking clown shoes." Favorite John Leguzinamiamo Movie I dont get what all the fuss is about the Avatar series. Can someone explain to me? Halo Rumor If we all saw a picture of what the real Jesus looked like So was he good in the camera and electrical work department? What killed him in the end The kids cant act in this I don't consider the new movies part of the Star Wars universe. Opinion divided - LIKE MOST GILLIAM FILMS, LOL