MovieChat Forums > Bazzz
Bazzz (59)
Preparing to ruin Indiana Jones
Why would Disney make such strange decisions with this franchise?
This film should start with Finn waking up
Doesn't hold up
Spielberg collecting a paycheck. Again.
3.5 hrs but it flies by
Most of Disney's Star Wars films are like bad fanfiction
Viggo's New York "accent"
Stan Lee's last cameo?
John Oliver as Zazu
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Aaand it's canceled. Big surprise.
Get woke go broke
Daisy Ridley is the only one who's unlikely to have a hugely successful career in the future
I'd rather see Disney release the original unaltered trilogy in HD.
You misspelled "ruin".
I'd rather see Disney release the original unaltered trilogy in HD.
The free software used the de-aged version of the actors as a starting point. The free software should have used the original unaltered footage of the actors as a starting point.
JJ is going to kill the DC Universe next
It's almost like she divorced him
Here's the ending I'd like:
Luke wakes up on Endor and realizes the last three films were a final test from Yoda
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