MovieChat Forums > ketracel

ketracel (7)


How can grown adults be this petty and spiteful? View all posts >


<blockquote>leftist-fascist-socialist-dictatorship</blockquote> LOL ok so you have no idea what any of these words mean They didn't want to face the reality that they've invested years of their lives in a marriage/friendship with a disgusting pedophile. I started to watch the second one (immediately following watching the first, which I liked) and had to turn it off after 10 minutes. Horrendous acting. The only other thing I've seen her in is DS9 and she did alright in my opinion. I couldn't really stand her character but she did a good job with bringing Ezri to life. Imo nobody should've ever been able to escape. Like to go through all that just to escape to an entirely new 26x26 cube, and that cube is just one 'room' in a bigger 26x26 cube, and that cube is part of a bigger one, and it just goes on forever. Would've been more.. eh kafkaesque and hellish that way since there's no real understanding or resolution. I totally agree, though I thought the explanations from Worth were even a bit much.. I thought it should've remained ambiguous as to where they were or the exact nature of their situation. View all replies >