MovieChat Forums > FredGarvin

FredGarvin (25)



You can make all the lists you want. It doesn't make them true. In fact, all of the things you have listed, except for the printer which had no bearing on the election, didn't happen or if they did, were perpetuated by trump supporters. I know facts are hard for you but please try and keep up. All of it. Love his "poorly thought our premise" when he is defending this junk. He clearly has no clue. He can't even defend his own posts. You obviously care enough to keep replying . Must be over compensating for something. Free speech is only dangerous to dictators and totalitarian regimes. The problem is that the majority of the population is uneducated and unable to dicern truth from lies and misinformation. If the uneducated users of Twitter didn't rely on it for information, this wouldn't be an issue. I disagree with Musk, Twitter is not the town square. It does not speak for me nor relay information to me. I have no problem with Twitter "censoring" tweets as it is their prerogative as they are not the government. Son, you've been carrying on here and dancing like a puppet everytime I pull your string. You rant and rave just because someone disagrees with you. Talk about seeing a therapist. You may want to see one yourself. Along with a course in movie appreciation if you like this fetid turd. The themes of Interstellar are about as deep as a puddle. Which is also the level of your intellect. You wouldn't know a good movie if someone hit you over the head with it. Your infatuation with this movie is proof of that. Just more more of Nolan's deux ex machina that idiot's like yourself lap up. Yup, when trump was elected, it proved the movie true. LOL. you can't even use proper English, so you clearly don't know what a great movie is. Hint: this one isn't. If you didn't know that Cooper was the one sprinkling the dust, then you just aren't that bright to begin with. Oh, son. You really don't understand just how bad this movie is. I feel sorry for you. Talk about being a toddler. You are too immature to know better, regardless your age. Your loss. Not mine. View all replies >