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justbrowsing (5)



I’m happy to read about your “only successful rescue.” Good for you...but definitely good for the bird. When you let your cats outside, why not contain them by standing guard. I know, difficult to do with four so let only two at a time. Domesticated cats adapt very well to being indoors as long as they have a good clean litter box or boxes. By watching your pets you are safeguarding them as well. Neighbors don’t appreciate their autos being damaged, their flowerbeds being used as a potty space. As a result cats disappear or suffer a painful death by poisoning. I became aware of someone whose autos were being deeply scratched. He hung aluminum pie pans near his autos hoping the breeze/wind would deter the cats, to no avail. Animal control wasn’t able to solve the problem...too many, also not knowing who the owners were. This dilemma led to the cats being shot and dropped into the trash. He was legally in the right. Too bad it came to this, but the neighbors would not contain their pets. Once a cat goes feral, they are almost impossible to domesticate. They have to be put down. I worked for a small company out in the country. The owners were able to trap four to bring inside the shop to feed and water, but they never were domesticated. Another stray wondered by so food was being put outside closer and closer to the trap. We finally got it inside. It went wild clawing and screaming. I took one look and told the owners the cat was dying so we took it to the one vet who treated wild animals for free. Sure enough, feline leukemia the death sentence. I always look at their gums if it lets me. If the gums are white it’s a sign of the leukemia. The cats captured by the county weren’t healthy so they didn’t put them down willynilly. They were feral, starving, diseased with feline leukemia a horrible, painful disease which is fatal. People move and leave their animals behind to fend for themselves by living on lizards, birds, rats....anything to survive. “Domesticated cats are NOT destructive to wildlife and I'm not even going to hear about it, I am sorry.” So, you are disagreeing with the studies and resulting facts that domesticated cats are destructive to wildlife? As per you: “My cats caught a bird, they always do this,” and “Yes I'm sure my cats have killed lots of animals like all cats do,” Honestly, I’m not being argumentative. (I don’t want you swearing at me!) Don’t you see you are being defensive of your pets doing the same thing you blame humans for. Yes, it’s their nature as they are still predators, but we don’t have to exacerbate the problem by permitting them to roam free. They shouldn’t be hunting as they are domesticated. They aren’t in the wild hunting for survival. Forgive me, but I keep looking at your screen name and equate your response to your cats killing Marie-Antoinette’s response to the death of beings she was responsible for. Just sayin’. Please read the articles I’ve posted links to and try to see we all are responsible for this earth and the living creatures who are a part of it. As a final note I once lived in a county in the South, where pet owners let their cats roam free resulting in an abundance of feral cats. The county was putting down over 3,000 cats a month! So sad because not only did the cats suffer along with the wildlife, the domesticated cats were being killed or diseased. I agree with your statement about animal torture, etc. It’s abhorrent and those of us who care attempt to remedy the situations. But, those problems don’t negate the fact your cats along with other domesticated cats are destructive to wildlife. You must accept the facts and attempt to do your part in saving the defenseless small critters. Domesticated cats don’t need to be outside unsupervised if at all. A responsible pet owner not only cares for their beloved pets, they should also care for living things not in their care. You know of one many have been killed prior? [url][/url] It might behoove you to read the following and adhere to the information. People who have cats should not permit them to roam free outdoors. Cats are vicious toward small wildlife. Also, your cat is at risk if meeting up with a feral cat. Please, you people who have cats be responsible pet owners. [url][/url] View all replies >