
Dead (11)


Question: which group hates this film more, the racists, or the misogynists? View all posts >


Rey being a Skywalker was always a stupid fantheory. I realize crushing stupid fantheories hurts some fanboy feelings, but that's life. He wasn't wielding a toy, you idiot. That was a weapon of war. If her helmet was insubstantial, her head would have exploded. And Phasma is just a commentary on/parallel to Boba Fett. She looks badass but never really matters. But unlike Boba, she actually almost won her fight. So hey. Yeah, what the hell. I thought since Trump's election, women and minorities weren't allowed into major films! Admiral Ackbar is literally doing exactly that at the start of the film. He, like most senior leadership, is killed during the attack. It's not like this was some perfect society engineered because men are the worst, or some stupid shit. Tell me, have you ever been bothered by an all-male bridge crew? Why is that totally legit, but a room full of women is a disgusting and unrealistic ploy? Inefficient? They were fighting literally the two most powerful force users in existence. Were they supposed to handily kill the primary characters in the new trilogy? I love the senseless hate that people have for this film. Let me guess, you never threw a fit about Sidious's "inefficient lobster guards" even though they are equally lobstery and even less helpful on the two occasions when someone actually threatens him. I don't care about most of the fake complaints the people who decided to hate the movie beforehand have drummed up, but this is a genuine question that needs answering. The Knights of Ren are meant to be something, and they do reiterate in this film that Ben leaves with some of the other students. So it seems like they didn't retcon them. But not mentioning them was a strange choice. My immediate guess was the same as the guy above me, that they may have become Snoke's royal guards. It would make sense for them to be force sensitive, given their fighting prowess. But I would also assume the Knights of Ren would be loyal to Kylo over Snoke. Perhaps they were, and are no longer (Snoke after all is a manipulator, maybe he was better at manipulating them than Ben). Or maybe they're lying in wait for the final film, wherein a new Jedi order headed up by Rey will face off against Kylo's Knights of Ren. I love how you include your stupid little "JJ ABRAMS IS A HACK!!!" thing at the end there. Shows you for the pointless contrarian troll that you are. Yeah, this acclaimed film that is going to make billions is really not good for Disney. /EYEROLL Disney doesn't care about the red pill trolls who are review bombing the film right now. When the trolls move on to the newest "feminist liberal media propaganda" that Rush and Trump send them to attack, the audience scores will rebound. And history will see this as a great film. Just like history will shake its head at you sad little manbabies who can't stand seeing an all-female bridge crew. Funny how the people who have a problem with the film all have these "genuine" experiences to share about how everyone hates it with them. The audience I saw the film with must have actually liked Star Wars or something, because they were laughing and "ooh"ing and clapping and all the things you would expect from people who are thoroughly enjoying the movie. Just because you red pill babies can't handle seeing so many women on screen doesn't mean the rest of the world hates the movie with you. View all replies >