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ThrillerTalk's Replies
The actor worked fine for what the role was supposed to be. I love this movie as is. Not every film needs to have someone like Seth Rogen or whoever "real comic" you were thinking of 7 years ago.
I wish it was
Tenaya for sure
Me too
and if it doesn't then what?
"People make it sound like it? friends was one of the most popular shows of the 90s just like Seinfeld was. I personally enjoy/ed both over the years without an issue. They're just different from 1 another. Neither is smarter, more sophisticated or whatever like that. They are just different types of comedy shows.
I enjoyed it. some of the bits tries a little to be another rush hour, but still fun ride. 6.5 out of 10 for me.
This is on Youtube for free, and also on tubi.
Well if you're offended by it that's your problem. Reality is that is the point of acting. When you're playing a fictional character that comes with all sorts of possibilities. Done talking to you now.
Uh, well Michelle is an actress. She's not playing herself in these movies. That should be common sense. The Letty character is not gay.
I Am Legend and Focus
Happy Birthday to Uncle Junior.
Uh yes it really does when your son goes back in time and meets his younger mom.
Again she is not going to know who he is because he does not exist in that time line. I looked up "Oldboy" and it literally has nothing to do with anything here. So I'm just leaving it at that.
Your lame ass is blocked now. Goodbye. Back to the Future is still a classic so you can keep crying about this make believe invest shit to someone else.
Agree with you Martoto. Thankfully this type of overthinking didn't stop modern movies such as 2009's 17 again (to name one) from succeeding.
Marty Mcfly does not exist in 1955, he is just a random guy that shows up and his mom is a young girl who finds him attractive. That could literally happen to anyone in her situation. That's the whole point of time travel. Marty went back in time to a point of his moms life that she's in high school herself, and doesn't even have a boyfriend yet. So how would she know unless he told her and presented the evidence to her?
Yeah. The only way your topic here would make any sense is if he did tell her, and show her the proof and then she STILL comes on to him..but yeah. That doesn't happen. For one, telling her for any reason is against everything that Doc Brown taught Marty about time traveling in the first place. So clearly he was not going to do that.
He had one job, and that was to insert himself into mainly his fathers life to help build george's confidence up to get the man to meet his mom so that he can continue to exist.
Along the way she gets the wrong idea and thinks he's into her. A little silly maybe, but not out of the question. I mean she's just a teenage girl so any kind of attention from a guy may make a teenage girl think that there's some interest there. Silliness is good because it's a Comedy.
yeah... There's nothing wrong with this movie.
Oh yeah.
She was 26 in 1990. That's not too old to play Lois.
hmm. yeah I can see the resemblance. Like she could be his older sister. They're 10 years apart in age.
I don't know, your idea is interesting, but I think the concept of the two cops wouldn't really be an issue seeing as how one of the cops would be from the Hollywood over the top movie perspective, and Stallones would be from the real world. So it would be two completely different types of police officers clashing over who's way of doing things is better.
Only way I see your idea working is if the kid is actually still the one hanging with Jack Slater/Arnold for the most part, and that Sly gets even more pissed when he finds out about that some how. So he goes into the film looking to kill Jack for stealing his sons love away from him along with the actor already having stole the film from him in real life. Ultimately though, the kid would be the Hero when he makes it clear that he loves his father and that Jack could never replace him, and I guess part of that reconciliation would lead to the angry father and Slater character putting their differences aside to work together once the villian kidnaps the child and jumps over into the real world... Yeah. It's nice, but I really prefer the two cops idea personally. However if they were some how two separate films I'd watch them both.
I was thinking about making a thread for this, but I'll my idea here instead. A friend and I were recently discussing this movie, and we brought up how awesome it would have been in general if Stallone and Arnold had worked together sooner...
Well imagine if by sooner...They would have worked together right here for this movie in 1993. I think THAT would have made this movie better.
Instead of having the silly kid team up with Arnold we'd get the two most popular 80s actors side by side in Last Action Hero. Pretty simple concept. Stallone plays a police officer of the real world, and instead of the kid being the main focus he's now Slys son who drags his dad to all of these Jack Slater movies despite his dad not being a fan of them all because his dad is a cop. Long story short, Nick the movie theater guy some how gets the ticket to Stallone after witnessing the mans behavior at the movie, and then boom.
Stallone, the real cop is suddenly in the Jack Slater movie universe sitting in the back seat of Slaters ride just as the kid was in the actual movie, and they get to talking. Slater thinks he arrested this guy so he's about to take him to the station...but then he realizes Sly isn't wearing any handcuffs which leads to even more confusion, but before he can fully react Slater gets a dispatch call that sends him to a crime scene that he can't ignore. So he goes there. Long story short Sly helps him out against his better wishes and the police chief decides to have the two of them work together after Sly shows his real world badge.
I'd imagine there'd be a lot of hilarious dialog bickering between Stallone and Arnold throughout alot of the rest of the film, until of course eventually they start to find common ground and begin to get along. yada yada. Arnold still enters the real world and finds out he's not real. etc...but by the end Sly has a better respect for the character after having spent time really getting to know him. Film pretty much ends the same.