MovieChat Forums > Shxyma
Shxyma (20)
This movie series deserved better.
I'm bitter.
Did they have to do Spider-Man dirty like this?
Amazing cast
Blake Lively is phenomenal
Kevin Hart is losing it.
Don't waste your time
Awesome references and cameos (spoilers)
MINDBLOWING *spoilers*
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I agree, and while she's vital to the GoTG sequel coming up(if it does take place after Infinity War) I think if they do bring her back eventually somehow it's going to take away from how impactful and dramatic her death was.
That may be the case for those who disintegrated, but her death was more of a sacrifice so it might not be that simple. Maybe if they used the stones somehow I’m not quite sure but seemed like that was it, at least to me.
I agree. That scene brought tears to my eyes and I was not expecting that at all.
I never said that. Not all of them are permanently dead of course, I think that's obvious. But there are some like Loki and possibly Gamora which were necessary for the shock factor and to prove Thanos' power, and I think if they somehow brought them back it would most certainly "cheapen" their deaths.
I'd be intrigued to see how they'd pull that off if it was to happen.
Killing off Steve is a sure thing I feel, which is due to his contract being up, and I do think Thor is going as well because he did mention that he was done with this character a few times but who knows. And I agree it would be a mistake to kill off Stark but it would in fact make a lot of sense for the leading trinity to go together.
While I hate to admit it, I think that might be the case. The originals making one big sacrifice to bring them back, although I can't imagine the following Avenger movies after that (if there's going to be any) being any good without the original Avengers.
Some do have the theory that she might be "resurrected" in the next film, which I'm not sure how they see that being executed. It seems like they'll have to do the next movie without her which is a bummer.
I completely agree. Roxy's death was unexpected because why keep her from the start if you're just going to kill her off so quickly? But Merlin's death felt very unnecessary to me because he shouldn't have been in the field in the first place. Not going to lie, Tilde's role annoyed me in this one. And finally, I really wanted to see Tequila in action but he was basically unconscious for the majority of the film which was disappointing.
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