MovieChat Forums > fizzgigirl

fizzgigirl (8)



Arrival (2016 Hulu) I’m not the biggest fan of Amy Adams, but I enjoyed analyzing this movie long after I watched it. Tremors (1990 DVD) One of my favorite B-Creature flicks. Gremlins The Thing (sorry not XMas related but I do watch it every December) Die Hard The Grinch I’m watching the first season again. I definitely am less confused and enjoying it more. The actor Aaron Douglas (who plays Gordon) absolutely kills it. Go chief! I love both seasons. The demo monsters did lose their fascination, but they seemed generally scarier and leveled up. Maybe we will get to see a different layer of the Upside Down in the next season. I could have done without Elevens back story with her “sister” too. Their gang was so laughable and just lame. I think she tried too hard and it came off fake and wooden. Kind of off topic, but Thor was selling out at my local theatre over the weekend. I think most people were let down in Batman VS Superman and that mindset continued on. That’s a bummer. I did enjoy TDK, but it’s my least favorite of Nolan. I am new here as well. From the states. Hello everyone! View all replies >