Willard's Replies
The fact that having replicants give birth would be more efficient than the current process is just a stipulation of the movie. We know its true because Jared Leto told us. Like you said, we don't know the details of the current process, and we don't know the details of how the replicants-giving-birth process would work either. We don't need to know these details, they're just part of the reality of the movie.
Let's speculate as a thought experiment. Let's say the current replicant-creation process requires lots of rare materials, big complex machines, very long delicate growth processes, has a high failure rate, etc. Maybe the replicants start out as babies and are aged and programmed within complex biological/machine devices. Let's say it costs $100 million per replicant and takes five years.
Let's also say that having replicants give birth would only cost a few hundred thousand dollars. Maybe the born replicants could be aged/programmed more quickly, reliably, and cheaply--we'll just say the birthing-replicants process only costs $500,000 per replicant, and takes only one year.
Of course, I just made all this up. Now they could have had Jared Leto make a speech to explain this (or something like it) in the movie, but that would have required a lot of boring exposition. There was no need for that. So it was just made very clear that making replicants by the current process is slow and expensive, and having them give birth would be much cheaper and they could create far more of them. Worked for me.
posted 7 years ago in Blade Runner 2049 (2017)