MovieChat Forums > rlricardo
rlricardo (46)
Best episode of the season by far
Too Silly
Thought it was really good and highly recommend
Thought it was really good
Saw it....Fantastic
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Saw it and thought it was great. Fun movie.
I totally disagree with you here. This time seems completely different. They have never killed Bond before AND we also have been introduced to a new 007. Can they back-peddle and just introduce a new iteration of Bond? Of course. Does that seem to be the intention at the current time? Absolutely not.
No. Just a few movie-goers looking for a fun escapist ride from a summer flick versus looking for any kind of "art" as you kinda implied.
I liked it also!
Did you see it?? I assume not. I did and everyone thoroughly enjoyed it in my party.
Good take that I agree with on pretty much all points although the cinematography did impact my enjoyment FWIW. 7/10 also.
FWIW though I thought that the season finale was excellent. Just wonderful storytelling that successfully filled-in Negan's backstory. I have struggled with stretches of the season but hats-off to the writers and Jeffrey Dean Morgan on this one IMHO.
The stormtroopers had no interest in the armor at all. They were solely after Grogu.
FABULOUS. What an amazing use of the typically abbreviated run-time.
You are spot-on here unsanesarah. Trek has never been about one single character.
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