elPresidente's Replies

Ah, I got the same impression when I saw the scene! Upon further inspection, the "pp" seems to be just a shadow that her body is projecting to his thigh. I think it was the dress code. They were also trying to keep out drunken people, and they were doing their best to hide the architect's crew (they wouldn't let a worker go fix a loose tile on the dance floor because he couldn't wander "dressed like that") Yes, I think it was a genuine offer. Saw it on Netflix during the pandemic lockdown, and I also enjoyed it immensely! And please people, always prefer the subtitles instead for the dubbing, you'll be rewarded with a much better experience! Not as a whole conception, I had in mind a certain "kinship" between two characters, which was kind of a mind-fuck when revealed (I don't want to spoil further). Having said that, I have re-watched Predestination since I made the post, and it is not exactly the same relationship as I mistakenly had in mind, so I withdraw the "rip-off" remark, and replace it with an "inspired by", which is not the least negative in my book. Anyway, I'm glad that these forums are still (somewhat) alive. I really miss the old IMDb forums (sans the trolls, of course). Cheers! I also enjoyed the style mix! I think KNIGHT HAWK 's voice portrayal is a reference to the various Batman voice portrayals in films. (Although the wrestler's actual voice is indeed scruffy, but still) If the technology catches up, and an EV can match/outrun a "conventional" car, why not? The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus Seven Psychopaths Both very enjoyable movies Dude... Ditto! Sorldzy youz cannae b serz w dat kindz of statmntz, bro! That is a valid theory indeed BritComs I've loved and can definitely watch again: Black Books The IT Crowd Father Ted Fawlty Towers Mother's Elling (2003) Mors Elling (original title) Love Me Tomorrow (2005) Elsk meg i morgen (original title) As a matter of fact Norman Lloyd is the world's oldest living actor according to wikipedia! Well worth the wait, I say. It was a fine rendition of the classic Cena joke. Hahaaaaaa! You got me there with the title, I thought it was a serious comment, and I was WTF...? Nice one, man! The "original" reindeers of the Santa mythos were the eight that were named in the 1823 poem "'Twas the Night Before Christmas" (Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen) Rudolph came to the lore much later, with a 1939 booklet published by Montgomery Ward, and gained wide popularity with the 1949 Christmas song we all know and love. The Rankin/Bass animated special came even later, in 1964. (sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Claus%27s_reindeer#Origins_and_history, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudolph_the_Red-Nosed_Reindeer) Furthermore, (and this is my personal explanation) according to Rudolf's story he is not a regular, but an "emergency" reindeer, used only on foggy nights. In this movie, the night sky appears to be clear, so Rudolph was probably not needed and the elves left him in his quarters. I understand your pain. I saw it last night and I had the misfortune of having the constant talkers right behind me. They seemed to not know what kind of film/director they walked into, and they just could not stop their blabbering for a whole damn minute. Throughout the whole damn movie. And, get this: They were not even teenagers (my guess is late twenties). I still blame the parents, though. Ha-ha, I thought you posted in the wrong section or something!