MovieChat Forums > Rinn13 > Replies

Rinn13's Replies

Not to mention the fact that even if conditions WERE "good" for the POWs, they didn't want to be prisoners. And it was the army who was treating them decently. It was foreshadowed early in the story that the SS/Gestapo threatened to take over the camp themselves if the army couldn't keep the prisoners in line. Which they pretty much did at the end of the story. Hitler or his hierarchy could have, at any moment, decided to have all the POWs killed or some other awful fate, instead of paying to take care of them for years. So yes, they wanted/needed to escape. Depends entirely on who you talk to. There are a shocking number of people, who want you to believe that EVERYONE living in Germany during the Nazi Era, were die-hard Nazis, absolute inhuman, comic book style MONSTERS. When the truth is, that just like most countries in the grip of dictatorship, the majority of the citizenry, even most of the military, are just people. Just people trying to get by, to survive, and hopefully be left alone. There were tons of very decent, or even good, Germans during WWII, including in the army. They were just too scared to go against the system, or else they or their families would come under fire. They instead went along to get along, as human beings throughout history so often do. 1. Literally ANYTHING "could be made today". The only thing that keeps certain things being made, are the loud, whiny, but SMALL groups of assholes who scream about utterly pointless, trivial bullshit. 2. It's a PRISON film, first and foremost. Where do you expect all of these female characters to pop up? A MILITARY prison nurse, perhaps? That would be like complaining that a movie about a POW camp, in WWII, in Europe, only features white people, because all the guards are German, and the vast majority of POWs are British. Talk about ass backwards standards. You should never judge 1963 films by 2023/4 standards. You should judge 2023 films by 1963 standards. The writing really did make Whoopi's mother character seem like a terribly unlikable bitch early in the film. I'm not sure why they would write her that way, especially when Whoopi allegedly had Carrie Fisher (not for the first time) "doctor" some of her dialogue. Which means she and Carrie came up with some of the garbage her character says. Not a great look. You got that wrong, bro. Whoopi's character, among several other derogatory remarks about whites, at one point literally mumbles "I do NOT like white people!". Are you seriously saying that was just "prejudice", and not racism? Or do you subscribe to that "only white people can be racist" bullshit? I love Whoopi, but her character was written to be, until she suddenly flips and likes him later in the film, an obnoxious anti-white racist. The very definition of racism, is bigotry towards someone based on their ethnicity or skin color. And just for fun, do imagine the scene where the daughter reveals she looked up her father, and tells her mom the "worst part", is that he's white. And then they both act super upset that he's white. You play that in reverse, with a white mom and daughter acting disgusted that it turns out her father is black, you can bet your ass people would scream to the heavens "THAT'S RACIST!" So what's good for the goose, is in fact good for the gander. If things would "seem racist" if the characters were white, then they're racist when the characters are "POC". Fun fact, "White" people are supposed to be "White". Pale is beautiful. Tans are very bad for you, especially later in life. I didn't get to catch the Super Show as a kid until they first re-aired it (without the Zelda episodes), and those def. still had the awesome cover songs. I'm almost certain the 5 or 6 VHS releases I had, also had them. Oh great. It's bad enough it's already "The Baby Yoda Show", now it'll be even more cringe that he'll say words. All so they can sell new "Grogu" dolls that talk. She personally chose to have short hair, as an homage to how the real Wasp looked in the comics. And what's wrong with gold boobs? I've never seen either WW, not much interest. I found Black Panther and Captain Marvel "on the side of the road", just out of morbid curiosity. BP was hardly a bad movie, but it wasn't anything special either, IMO. Just your basic action film, with a huge budget, and very Afro-Centric. People thought it was "special" because it was "the first mega-budget mostly black movie", etc. etc. *shrug* That isn't a metric as to whether a film is "great" or not. People wanted it to win an Oscar for Best Picture LOL. And I do know for a fact some people purposefully saw Panther repeatedly, because they thought it was "important" for it to do well. I saw people bluntly saying so on social media (that they themselves were doing this). Even if I hadn't already had a bias towards the wooden/unlikable actress, Captain was easily one of the most dull of the MCU. It is unfathomable to me how that movie made as much as it did, except that a lot of people bought lots of tickets or went over and over, wanting it to do well "because feminism". It didn't deserve that money, that's for sure. Nah dude. Opinions being what they are, Ant-Man 2 was way better. Actually funny, Rudd co-wrote it like one, retained the quirkiness and charm of 1. This wasn't BAD, but it just felt like a "meh" generic MCU movie. The first two movies didn't "flop" by any rational measure. They made good money. If every movie has to make 1 billion+ these days to be a "success", the film "blockbuster" industry really is in trouble. And if you want to talk about fans artificially inflating box office, do you mean like Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel and Black Panther, "because diversity"? 1. Congrats dude, you managed to come off like the dumb 13 year old you probably are. 2. I love DC and most of their (90s and before) characters. Some GREAT characters, especially Superman, Green Lantern, etc. But get real. Marvel has every bit as great and interesting a "roster" of characters. And the X-Men (especially, again, 90s and before at least), when done right were great. I hate to break it to you, but the way your grim-dark, crap-tastic DC films have been, for the most part, is the exact OPPOSITE of what you say "superheroes should be". ESPECIALLY Superman. 3. It really doesn't matter, because both Marvel and DC comics have been largely garbage post 2000, certainly in the 2010s/2020s. And while MCU has had some good films here and there, it was always going to go sharply downhill, as they phased out the GOOD characters, and started phasing in a lot more of the characters from the modern comics. And DC's film track record is NOT good. I liked Batman Begins, and even initially kinda liked The Dark Knight, but honestly in retrospect those films aren't at all what I want out of Batman. There hasn't been a GOOD DC film since Batman 1989, or the older Superman films. So thanks for the laugh. And learn to talk/think better. Cheers! Shang Chi, from what I've heard, was very unsurprisingly bland, literally done so they could check off the "Asian Film" box on their representation list. And they finally did the "Real Mandarin", only to STILL do him totally wrong and ruin him. Black Panther: Sans Panther, shouldn't have even been made after Chadwick's death. And what they did to Namor and the Atlanteans, making them pseudo-Mayan, JUST as a pathetically contrived attempt at checking off their "Latino film" box, is god awful. That is not what Namor, OR the Atlanteans look like, at all. They have their own unique culture, and they're BLUE underwater people (except for half-human Namor) for christ's sake. Even beyond all that, the plot is, again, very meh. No Way Home was OK, certainly better than Far From Home. But the only thing that REALLY made me want to even bother watching, or made it much good, was having Tobey and his villains in it. It was literally just OK because of nostalgia for non-connected films. Dr. Strange 2 wasn't BAD, but it wasn't that good either. Incredibly underwhelming overall, even WITH Raimi directing. Nothing close to his Spider-Man films. Even Spidey 3 was better. Quantumania was probably the best of that bunch, IMO, as a movie on it's own (and ignoring the Nostalgia Points NWH has), but it also wasn't all that great. It was kinda muddled, it felt like an incomplete story (while also feeling too long, which is impressive), and Rudd didn't co-write it, which was painfully obvious, as it almost completely lacked the tone and humor that made the previous Ant-Man films funny and unique to the MCU. Ant-Man 3 just felt like a boilerplate MCU brick in the road, not an Ant-Man movie. Guardians 3 might be decent, however, I already hate their design (or lack thereof) for "The High Evolutionary". And I don't have a lot of faith in what they'll do with Adam Warlock, who should have been part of the Thanos saga. All in all, the MCU shouldn't still be going. I have zero faith that the MCU will do the X-Men or FF properly. Which sucks, because those are two of my fav. comics (pre-2000, before the comics started going to shit) of all time. Frankly, they NEED to not just keep shitting the MCU out forever. They only do so because it makes them big money. It should have all ended with Endgame, for better or worse. There was no chance that the MCU films weren't just going to be diminishing returns after that. And what do you know, they are. The popular, heavy hitter characters that people cared about, are mostly gone now. And having the focus shift to more and more newer crap comic characters that aren't compelling or interesting whatsever, was always going to yield poor results. I think Marvel is going to find their next "Avengers" films will do underwhelming business, compared to Infinity War and End Game. To be fair, shows about Obi Wan and Boba Fett are FAR more interesting ideas, than a show I couldn't have cared less about (along with Andor). The problem was that the actual writing and execution of those shows, like sadly MOST modern shows, was messy and poor. End yet I am still afraid of the vague hints they're already showing that we might be getting the beginnings of "The First Order", which would completely kill the show for me. One of the best things it had going for it, was that it had thus far pretty much entirely ignored any connections to the "Sequel Trilogy". I'd love to believe that those faces being gone from the opening "mean something". But who knows. Kennedy is still overall in charge, after all..... I will agree, with the caveat that NONE of Disney's "Star Wars" movies have been any good. No, not even dull mess Rogue One. But compared to the so-called "Sequel Trilogy", which even if it weren't supposed to be Star Wars, is one of THE biggest clusterf*cks and worst written piles of garbage that has ever been made. So it isn't hard to be "decent" compared to that. So in that light, yes, the Star Wars shows are all "good" compared to that hot garbage. I haven't watched Andor, because I have zero interest in watching a show about a completely unmemorable character from a movie stuffed with almost entirely forgettable characters. Boba Fett had its moments early on, but completely shit the bed when they decided to focus the better part of two entire episodes (at least) on Mando, NOT Boba. They used it to bring back Baby Yoda IMMEDIATELY, rending the fine ending of Season 2 utterly pointless. The show could have been strong, but instead of was mostly mediocre, because they didn't have a fully clear direction and basically used it as a Mando 2.5, which was an idiotic move. Obi Wan wasn't terrible. But it committed some major no-nos that I think did still ruin it. It focused on a completely uncompelling villainess, when the Big Bad should have been the Grand Inquisitor, as bad ass and dangerous as he was shown to be in Rebels. And we never needed to see Obi Wan and Vader fight. It was much more compelling, IMO, to think they met for the first time in 20 years in ANH. And Mando season 3 so far, does seem aimless, and stepping backwards. That isn't necessarily true. The prequel movies, while flawed, were fine. They look like gold compared to the Disney "Sequel" crap. Both Clone Wars cartoons were good, even if the CGI one did have too many filler stories. Rebels, while not AMAZING, was a good show for the most part. Mando was "decent Star Wars" compared to literally anything else live action that Disney has produced since owning the property. But you're right, it really was overhyped to hell. My roommate even called it "must see Star Wars besides the OG trilogy". Not even close.