MovieChat Forums > dahliablack85
dahliablack85 (9)
Oh my God, absolutely! That broke my heart just as much as the baby getting killed :( I should have addressed that in my OP as well. So, so, sooo sad, and he was such a good sweet puppy, too. You could see how much losing him hurt Travis, and I definitely shed quite a few tears at the poor pooch's death.
That's what I took away from it as well. Very sad, despite the families both being decent and well-intentioned, it was all in vain.
Also wanted to ask your opinion about who was infected and who wasn't and when??
Lol thank you. I actually signed up because this film made me have such a strong reaction that I just HAD to get that out! So that's definitely to its credit :)
Absolutely! No hate here for the movie in any way. It was wonderfully nuanced and crafted. And it DEFINITELY achieved the reaction it wanted lol!
A very good one, at that.
I guess I did, too. I was just not .... ready for such an intense, intense, horrific massacre. I was honestly hoping he would die peacefully off camera, I know this makes me look like an idiot.
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