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It was near the end of season 2, suddenly Billy Zane is called away to South America (side note: remember where Philip Jeffries was?)
Anyway, he suddenly had to leave and Audrey chased him to the airport, found him just in time and he showed her the 50 states (if you know what I mean).
Then a few episodes later she gets blown up. I think she's been in a come ever since, as the mirror scene implies (she's stuck in her own head, basically looking into a mirror)
We keep meaning to share the notes out, maybes I'll work on that this week. It's like herding cats to try and keep these guys on topic lol
I think Bob put her in that weird purple place where Coop meets Naido. One of the last things DoppleDiane said was that she was in the sheriff's station. I think she meant Naido (real Diane's soul)
Remember, you can't have two "outside" - one has to go in. Dougie went in when Coop came out, that's the purpose of Bob creating these dopplegangers. He is substituting real people with his creations to help put him in position to invade the White Lodge, and Diane was a great resource to take.
Thanks! We are always looking for feedback, too, feel free to PM!
Yeah that had been the feedback that we get too! I will say it's been a tough balancing act to maintain a conversational style without letting the rambling go too wide of the topic.
Take my word for it when I say that there is a lot left on the "cutting room floor" when I'm done editing lol
He only explains that she died of the cold when his son can't sleep and asks about the case he's helping. He's not going to tell his kid that the girl got raped and then ran barefoot in snow until her lungs burst from the cold...
He tells the real story to Elizabeth Olsen's character when she visits his house and sees the daughter's picture.
Essentially, there was a party held at the house while the parents (Renner and Jones) were on a "date night" in a hotel. He explained that his daughters friends invited their friends, and those friends invited more people, until some people showed up that "were not friends."
I think Sheridan ends it there to let the audience imagine what could have happened, which makes it worse (for us) and creates the emotional connection we need, in order to understand why he's assisting in the investigation.
Totally missed that! Thank you!
I know EvilCoop called him son, but when exactly did he impregnate Audrey? The only time she had sex in the original series was with Billy Zane in his airplane... So if anything, Richard would be his son...
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