MovieChat Forums > jonnyremix > Replies
jonnyremix's Replies
Hmmm probably Scarlet Witch as she turned to ash?
it's a pager? very 90s and probably 80s too.
ah ok. as i said i don't read comic books lol
I thought what they did to Hulk was interesting and really set up how bad ass Thanos is. He'll be back in the next movie for his Thanos showdown.
Captain Marvel will replace Thor as he will either die or more likely be busy rebuilding Asgard or whatever. I don't read the comics.
Captain Marvel's logo. Her film is out next March set in the 90s and will feature a twin eyed Fury with hair. She will also appear in the next Avengers movie next year.
Some say she is Marvel's she will be joining the Avengers to bring down Thanos.
Pretty sure she will be leading The Avengers in the movie after that I'd guess around 2022 replacing Captain America who will probably die in the next one.
I think Cap and Tony will die. Thor as well maybe. But the others I'm not so sure. Hawkeye has a family. Black Widow will have her solo movie with Hulk probably. Also you need a few of the secondary original Avengers to link to the new batch which will be lead by Captain Marvel and Black Panther being her number two perhaps? In Avengers 5 in 2022?
I hope Cap says '....I can do this all day' to Thanos though at some point :D
I agree TFA is fine but it's pretty much a remake. TLJ is a cluster fuck that has in the short term damaged the series and split the fanbase.
She has tits. Strange is a tit.
* Sorry I know your thread deserved a better answer but I'm drunk on IW....
why are you posting spoilers for a film not out for another year
is that you mark ruffalo?
I can't wait for Plinkett's review of TLJ :D
This is very different. Nothing has pissed the older fan base off more than screwing with the legacy characters.
I think what will draw people to it will be the avoidance of spoilers especially considering who ever is dead will stay dead this time. Over the next year many will be revisiting all the films and the hype will be too much to bear. I'd say it has a shot.
Avengers 4 is the end of this decade of building. The true end game. If not then I can't see any film in the near future beating these records. At least for the next few years.
The SW brand is tarnished. I doubt many will be in a hurry to see SW9 right off the bat. TLJ has split the fanbase. $1.3 billion is poor considering. Toy sales were poor as well. They pressed the panic button and got JJ to get it all back on track.
Kathleen Kennedy needs to get lost and I'm pretty sure she will be fired soon.
Only film that has a shot at beating that will be Avengers 4 and I think it will.
It is but it's very grounded in drama which is why it's seen as a bench mark of the genre and of film in general.
Well they could be saying it to wrong foot us. If they said it takes places before IW it would have raised suspicion. It's not confirmed fully until the teaser and synopsis hits later this year.
Plus Amy Pascal is a waste of space.
the dark knight
got the letters mixed up with it's sequel for some reason lol
Best since TDK which wasn't really a comic book film you could say. It's just collected the biggest openings in the US and WW ever which is totally deserved imo.