MovieChat Forums > betaraybill

betaraybill (8)


Would Be Perfect For A Reboot Of Mike Hammer Potential Emmy Nominations View all posts >


That's not true. Cruise has made some very good movies since Minority Report, including (1) Last Samurai; (2) Collateral; (3) Valkyrie; (4) Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol; and (5) Edge of Tomorrow. Granted that the quality of his movies has been slipping lately, but still to compare him with Sheen is just silly. Agree completely. In Longest Ride I thought that Mellissa Benoist completely stole outshined her and should have been the female lead. She also seems to small to be a lead actress. Agreed. Great acting and great show! My only regret is that they did not use Shea Whigham more. He is a great actor, in the same league as Goggins. Would have loved to see him in a bigger role here and even going head to head with Goggins. I think it is Ray also, only because Shea is just too big an actor to simply take this role without there being some additional twist to the character. No, that is not the rule in Hollywood. And for the second time, there is the production budget and then there is the marketing budget, which you do seem to keep ignoring. They are both costs. You can not be profitable by doubling the production budget and ignoring the marketing budget which could be another $25-$30M. What if the marketing budget was $50M or even $100M, as it could be on big blockbusters? Granted, most websites do not publicize the marketing budget. But that does not mean that you simply ignore it, as you have done twice under your blanket rule. Moreover, the studios generally do not get to keep the same percentage on international grosses as they do on domestic grosses. That is why the domestic grosses are more important than international grosses. There are also other factors that we do not know. For example, it is possible that in order to keep the budget down, Charlize took less salary and a percentage of the gross which would further knock down any profits. No its not yet profitable. Again you are focusing solely on the $30M production budget and ignoring the marketing budget which could be another $25-30M. You have to basically double both the production and marketing budgets. It may in time be profitable after factoring in all the additional and potential sources of ancillary income that you are referring to. And that assumes of course that the production budget is really $30M. Sometimes they fudge that as well. View all replies >