MovieChat Forums > mplo > Replies

mplo's Replies

Oh, come on now, KingBob! Frankly, I think that you're the one who needs to quite watching the Fox News and parroting the same garbage that Fox News constantly spouts off. Kamala Harris isn't perfect (then again, who is), but she seems like a pretty smart woman. Donald Trump got a second term, because he's an overgrown combination of a schoolyard bully and a spoiled brat who can easily manipulate people who are either quite naive about who he is, or who are quite vicious. Donald Trump is an overgrown combination of a schoolyard bully and a spoiled brat, which is why he not only got in for a 2nd term as POTUS, but who wants to rule this country for life, shred the Constitution, and to act like a dictator. I agree with you here, JohnBraun604! The old, original 1961 film version of West Side Story is my all time favorite movie, hands down. Not only have I see most screenings of the 1961 film version of WSS almost every time it has come to a movie theatre in my general area, but I've even driven to the opposite end of the Bay State, and to nearby states, just to watch the 1961 film version of West Side Story on a great big, wide screen. The old, original 1961 film version of West Side Story is the real deal, and is king, imho. I stand by everything I've said here, KingBob. Donald Trump is no hero, nor does he belong on Mt. Rushmore. I disagree with you here, KingBob. I stand by everything I've said. Donald Trump is not an American Hero. Awwww....come on now, KingBob! Donald Trump belongs behind bars for his crimes, not being President of the United States, especially for a 2nd term. What makes you think that it wasn't a real thing? Oh, for Chrissakes---this is ludicrous. What right does Donald Trump have to try to control and dominate Canada, Greenland, and the Panama Canal? The United States has dominated enough countries. It's time that we stopped that, minded our own business, and started cleaning up our own back yard. Thank you for your response to my message, and for sharing your enjoyment of The Sound of Music, which I also like, but it admittedly does not hold the special place in my heart regarding movies as the old, original 1961 film version of West Side Story does. I like the old, original 1961 film version of West Side Story that was directed by Robert Wise, as well. It's my all time favorite movie, hands down, and I never get tired of seeing it, whether it be on a great big, wide screen in a real movie theatre and sharing the whole experience with other people, whether I know them or not, or even on TCM (Turner classic movies.) Well...a lot of the MAGAs really were pi**ed off at Mike Pence and really wanted to nail him. The United States government has to stop meddling in, toppling, and/or attempting to topple foreign countries whose governments don't comply with United States' interests, and start cleaning uo our own back yard. We'll be much better off, as will the rest of the world. The United States government, for far too long, has supported the most repressive foreign governments that repress their own people, which is why we have such a big problem with illegal immigration in the first place is due to the US government's constant toppling, or attempts to topple foreign governments that don't tally up with United States' interests. It's time we stopped meddling in other countries' affairs and cleaned up our own back yard. The old, original 1961 film version was not only about race/ethnicity and culture, but it was also about territory and competition between the newly-arrived Puerto Rican Sharks, and the white European Ethnic American NYC-born Jets for the same territory. It's also true that Puerto Ricans were seen as people of color. Oh boy! I've got a pretty long list of them. Here they are: West Side Story (the old, original 1961 film version, NOT the 2021 reboot/remake of it). Lawrence of Arabia Sound of Music Bonnie & Clyde Fantasia (the old original 1940 film) Fantasia 2000 Monument Avenue Southie Good Will Hunting 2001: A Space Odyssey Georgy Girl North Dallas 40 Endless Summer 7th Seal Dr. Zhivago Midnight Cowboy Friends I remember the imdb message board, which I sort of miss, so I came onto I'm a person who prefers many of the older classic films (i. e. from the 1960's through the 1980's), over the newer stuff that's been coming out in the way of movies (for the most part) these days. If one really looks at the history of the United States, the ascension of Donald J. Trump into the Oval Office, especially for a 2nd term, really was a long time coming. The situation, however, began to worsen when Nixon was voted into office, and really started to snowball, big time, when Ronald Reagan was elected for 2 terms in office. One of the things Ronald Reagan did was to do away with the Fairness Doctrine, and things continued to snowball. Things began to get even worse when both GHW Bush and GW Bush were elected into office. Unfortunately, Hillary Clinton was not a good Secretary of State or a good Presidential Candidate, nor was Barack Obama a particularly good President. Having said all of the above, the ascension of Donald Trump into the Oval Office for two terms was a long time coming. Not good, at all. Ha ha ha! You and your fellow Donald Trump supporters think you're the greatest because you think that YOU know the truth and are better and smarter than everybody else, because I don't buy into your rightwing BS, either. Having said all of the above, we're even. Suck. Bite me, KingBob!