MovieChat Forums > Peitr > Replies

Peitr's Replies

Yes..! I love all those acts that you mention! I found through AGT as well! Bless them for that anyway! Get used to clowns! lol I have stripped at clubs and private parties in NY-CT-and NJ, only out of being desperate for money. I've found private party women more aggressive and at clubs about 70% aggressive and 30% quiet/watching. Sadly, the aggressive ones tip more so you have to put up with it. I had a gf at the time and did not think women would act as crazy as I've seen. just takes some wine and the prodding of some of their friends and the touching all over starts. Even when you try not to react to it, you do and women get insane loud and crazy over it. If I was single, I would do it for free for some of them sure!!! Some women are hot there and it is weird they would pay to see a guy like me strip. I think they like the safe environment or the control they may not feel outside of the club or party. I discussed this with other strippers. And women can get worse then men. I;ve never seen a girl get her paniteds pulled off if that was what she was stripping down to. I've had my jock or towel literally pulled to drunk women and dealt with waiting/dancing the night like that. A guy would get thrown out of a club if he ripped a girl strippers covering off. And once your d*** is out, it's fair game and women crazed on wone do not stop until its too late. So yep....women are aggressive at clubs and parties. lol I've worked at clubs and private parties in the tri-state area (NYC-CT-NJ). The availability of drugs is insane..very easy to buy. Many guys dealing them to other guys. It surprised me at first..and a lot of guys take advantage of buying them. I stay away and have been picked on / bullied around over it. The stripping business is sadly intertwined with drugs. I agree. I feel that Puddles couldn't convey his genius and art in the short time allotted a performer on AGT. Puddles Pity Party is too good for AGT, in my opinion. Definitely an elevated art that some people get and some (like Simon) don't. I think Puddles rendition of Royals has over 20 million views on YouTube...quite a success! On one hand, the practical side is since it is such a sensitive area it makes sense that his d**k is protected somehow so it can not be hurt in battle and therefore it is not so visible in the skin-tight costume. On the movie aesthetic/visual side, the way women's superhero costumes show so much, Spider-man's should at least show the outline of his c**k shaft and outline of his hanging balls and more detail on his a**. So there. In hindsight, it's amazing how much Nick Cannon added to the show. He kept the energy up, had a great sense of humor, and a good rapport with the judges. A real loss without him, and I suprise myself by saying that since I never thought a host could make such a difference. Yeah, ultimately, the show is about the talent acts but a weak host (like Tyra) just brings things down a little. I was pretty shocked to see Bello get sent home, as well. he fulfilled the request by Simon to amp the act up. I admit, I;m not a fan of bello (comes off a little 'fuddy-duddy" and old fashioned). Maybe I judge him by his association with the Big Apple Circus, before it folded. That said, that chubby dancer totally shouldn't have gone through. There were many better acts than him, including Bello. I guess the judges/producers have a pre-set idea of what acts would make for good ratings sometimes.