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CCH Pounder, what a name! Please, help!!! Streaming New French Extremity Spoilers ahead. It should've been . . . Cheating or Betrayal? Cool film Solid film. Nice atmosphere. View all posts >


I also agree with Otter wholeheartedly. One of the many off-putting things about the original, for me, was the heavy-handed incidental music. Leto's razzle win was indeed well deserved. His caricaturistic and buffoonish performance in this film was worse than his embarrassing portrayal of Joker. All of his scenes were like watching corny, drawn-out SNL and Family Guy dreck. People like Scott and Leto should've known better, that is, that less is more. Agreed. She was really chunky in this, which was the worst she's ever looked. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Compared to Leigh, Roseanne looked like Roseanne Barr. 4. In season 4, she takes strangers into her new home at the baseball stadium which should've been a haven for her family and Strand, not every ragamuffin she encountered on the street. She risked her inner circle's safety by taking those people in. In the end, one of them actually killed her son. Even if they had no ill intentions, they definitely strained the limited resources, resources that could've sustained her small group for an extended amount of time. Lastly, she takes in Charlie which she shouldn't have done in the first place; jeopardizes the safety of her family and friends, by expecting them to go out and search for the child's family; when they find out Charlie double crossed them, she's still intent on bring the child back into the fold. I could go on and on because the list of her dumb moments is extensive. Hands down, Madison has to be the dumbest character that ever existed in The Walking Dead universe. Spoilers below. Madison's Dumb Moments: 1. In season 1, when Nick escapes from the hospital, she tells the nurse to find him and bring him back or something along those lines. You would think a highschool guidance counselor would have enough sense to know that locating missing people is beyond the purview of healthcare workers. That's what the police are for. 2. At the onset of the ZA, she and Travis witness Nick repeatedly strike his drug dealer with Travis' truck which eventually immobilizes him but only after he made several attempts to eat them. She and a student are later attacked by their principal who she smashes in the head with a fire extinguisher. At this point, she should've filled her daughter in on what's going on but she doesn't. When they're barricaded in their house, Alicia keeps trying to go outside to help the neighbor who was being eaten by her husband; however, Madison just blocks the door and says they can't leave the house, refusing to let Alicia know the extent of the danger. Being tight-lipped could've gotten Alicia killed. 3. On Strand's yacht, they encounter a vessel with a group of people in distress. Madison starts moralizing and demands that Strand allow the people aboard. Firstly, that wasn't her yacht, so it wasn't her place to make such demands. Secondly, some people on the vessel could've been bitten or dying from other causes which would put everyone on the yacht in jeopardy. Thirdly, even if the vessel people weren't bitten or dying, some could've been murderers, rapists, and thieves who would've screwed them one way or another. Fourthly, even if they were none of the above, they would've drastically drained the limited resources on the yacht. Who in the right mind would take food from their family's mouth to feed strangers, especially in such an extreme situation?! I know this is an old thread, but I've just watched the film for the first time. The woman falling from the elevator had me in stitches, especially when she bounces off the side of the building. After rewinding that scene over and over, it's still an absolute riot. Kudos to the powers that be for having the gonads to kill off her character. Too bad they played it too safe with the children. As for the common objections on the list: 1. "That damn door!!!" In real life, it's fair to say that many people, if not most, are not going to sacrifice their lives to save a stranger they've only known for a couple of days. As a wise man would have said in this scenario, "I don't want anybody to die. But if I gotta get on that door, and you're in my way, one way or the other, you're gettin' outta my way." 2. "There are starving children in Africa and you toss a priceless gem in the ocean!!!" While starving children in Africa and starving people in general are pretty much irrelevant to many of us, assuming Rose felt the same way (and even if she didn't), there is still the issue of her family which typically comes first to many people. The symbolic gesture itself was rather mawkish to inane degree and even sillier when you factor in her family. After making peace with her past, she could have just as easily tossed that priceless gem to an heir, physically or in a will, contributing to the financial security of her progeny. View all replies >