MovieChat Forums > hfxmike
hfxmike (4)
Every site will have vile commentary to some degree. And maybe I would have made some symbolic moves to "take a stand" if I had been in charge. If my only job was to maximize traffic-ad revenue-profits.
Maybe the question should be: Why doesn't IMDB bring back the forums? The only reason that I can see is that even though they would increase traffic and profits, it just isn't worth the headache (?) for Jeff Bezos? Selling an extra 10k blu-rays a week is peanuts to him.
What does that have to do with maximizing profits?
If I was in charge of IMDB at the time, I would have put ads to amazon merch for each film in every forum.Since IMDB wouldn't be liable for the "harm" that trolls or whoever caused, I would have had minimal moderation since 99.99999% of posts were fine.
You have users creating your content for free and that's driving highly targetable traffic. How do they make more money by shutting it all down? Same question for twitter kicking off Trump. Unless Dorsey is going to make more from the Dems, than he would from losing the biggest draw on his site, I just don't get it. I also don't believe that Dorsey is interested in making the world a better place. *gag*
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