MovieChat Forums > CornPoneFlicks

CornPoneFlicks (5)



"But in the fantasies, instead of hiding behind gender neutral clothes, they are using their sexuality to fight back. " Well, except in the final fantasy level, they aren't. They're using guns and swords and giant robots to fight back, and just happen to be wearing sexy clothes while doing it. It makes the metaphor a bit muddled. They feel sexually exploited by men, but then fantasize about dressing in ways men will inevitably find attractive. It seems that would be something they would want to distance themselves from (or herself, as it's really only one girl's fantasy, and not actually the group's). Please explain how exactly you know what all women want from all men. That would be a fascinating dissertation. In the same post, you then go on to complain that "They don't say that only a chosen few men in our society are actually as evil Isaac or the stepdad in this film." I'm sorry, do you actually need the film to tell you that? Did Star Wars need a character to stand on top of a big rock and say "You know, not all guys are like Darth Vader?" So you manage a broad-brush criticism of women and then immediately follow it up with a complaint of "not all men." And really, if the only reason you can think of for helping someone is that you might get laid, you are the one with the problem. Yeah. Kill Bill never happened. The Terminator never happened. The Aliens series never happened. The Hunger Games franchise totally didn't make a billion and a half dollars. Wonder Woman wasn't just a huge success (those last two being your assertion that "people aren't ready today.") Also, exactly what people are you talking about? You do realize women make up half the population, and they also go to movies, don't you? How does that make her not the hero? Plus, the character went on to appear in the rest of the franchise as the hero. She's particularly notable in the second film, where we see her face and defeat her fear. I actually like Sucker Punch, but trying to paint everyone who doesn't as being some kind of woman-hater is the feeble argument of someone who can't muster any facts. Excuse me, but how the hell do you know whether or not this person would be praising the film if it had males leads? You cannot just invent your opponent's position for them, and then attack that, while expecting to be taken seriously. View all replies >