PlentyMore's Replies

Added master of horrors and orgasm wars on the watchlist thanks Added to watchlist. Thanks Addedto watchlist thanks Be patient i always wait a few days before replying on the thread i made, if i wasnt interested in what you guys would recomend i would not ask. Ill check hannibal out thanks Look interesting thanks Is the movie worth watching before the tv show thanks Heard the pilot was pretty good looking forward to it thanks Nice to see a old show recomended thanks ill add it to my watchlist ill add it to my watchlist thanks I know about twin peaks but havent watched yet ill add it and fargo to my watchlist I know about this show but never watched it why only season 1-4? Thanks Never heard of this one ill check it out thanks Oz looks interesting and i started watching AHS today Thanks Seen Mr.Pickles really enjoyed the show thanks either way Heard lots of good things on this show ill put it on my watchlist Thanks Cool ill try to watch season 6 even if its terrible to say i have watched it lol Thanks Awesome cool i have heard terrible things of Roanake good thing is season 6 so i went get to that one for a while, i wanna see Hotel cause im interested in Gagas character. Thanks Alright glad the guy appears in season im looking forward to Murder hHouse i find it the most interesting and glad asylum has more suprises ill quickly loook forward to that one Thanks