MovieChat Forums > Atrec > Replies

Atrec's Replies

First, apologize for my english ... Or lack of it). We can discuss any of your points, but lets take the moral thing (6). This movie is totally metaphoric full of symbols that people dosen't uncover yet and the symbols are too many and to long to explain, so I just say that those symbols represents the path to enlightment. The moral issue here is something that we all do, so we don't see that like a moral issue, but it is. Your comment and many coments, even my comment, is a perfect example of that, because we express wrath and arrogance just because we don't know something or just don't understand or because we feel hurt when someone say something against what is important for us. Diana cant reach enlightment because she was full of arrogance, so she can be dominated for a blind destructive wrath that can corrupt her intentions and then loose her way and fall into darkness. She fail when she kill Ludendorff and every men in her way for the wrong reason possesed by wrath and arrogance. At the end, all the final battle was a trap to force her to fall in that wrath again, abuse of her power and corrupt herself. She rise a sword against Ludendorff and rise a tank against Maru. The movie is so full of symbols and meaning hidden of a first view.. Diana saw her own arrogance when she recall her own words: "whatever it is, I can do it, let me do it". The arrogance of the powerfull that believe he can do everything and know everything so he can judge others and trash a movie based on his own lack of understanding like so many comments I have seen. Don't you see how important is that message now??? We are all full of arrogance. She learns that in the hard way. She stops judging humanity and even Ares. She vanish him because it was the right thing to do, but she was not angry anymore, but she dosent vanish Darkness. ... And for the others many symbols, the native american is a metaphor, the german ship is a metaphor... This movie is not for the mind, is for the heart, so the plot is made with symbols and feelings.