MovieChat Forums > HaroldZoidberg > Replies
HaroldZoidberg's Replies
I don't even watch Doctor Who, but the massive amount of butthurt coming from the broflakes is a wonderful thing to witness.
That alone makes this the greatest news since Alamo Drafthouse did those women-only screenings of Wonder Woman.
You "don't even care," yet you took the time to make an entire thread whining and moaning about being the victim.
Seriously, how are you unable to recognize that you are 100% at fault here?
Your lack of self awareness is fucking staggering.
What's pathetic is you continuously blaming everyone except yourself for your own behavior.
Don't want your posts deleted? Start behaving like an adult, stop insulting everyone who disagrees with you, and learn to accept criticism.
And no, you do not win an argument by simply saying "I won the argument."
That's not how it works.
Man, you are straight up determined to prove my point again and again, aren't you?
If your ego was any more fragile, you'd be president.
For someone who seems to be all about 'arguments,' you sure do use that ignore function a lot whenever someone calls out your boorish behavior.
Perhaps you're not really interested in debate or discussion, and would rather cultivate an echo chamber where you're always right and no one ever challenges you. A "safe space" you could say.