MovieChat Forums > ridah > Replies

ridah's Replies

You're right, Honest Trailers points that out too... Agreed, terrible ending. Was she coming to arrest him (no cops present), let him know she was quitting as DA based on her convictions, coming to question him more, lazy directing/screenwriting asking us the audience to finish the script. Also didn't like how they never provided resolution for the detective, who essentially solved the case. Agreed, would've love for them to spend more time on his engineering background, how he developed the company and brand. They could have easily spent a few minutes on his marital woes, vs what felt life half the movie. Yeah, it seemed forced. They seem like complete opposites too, where he's super charming and she's a dweeb. Agreed, really brought down the show. Was very depressing. Cancer was literally the main villain of the show, felt like it took up 70% of the screentime. Would've expected this on the Lifetime channel, not a superhero series. Agreed, the fact they didn't have implants in the 1800's should've been a clue to not expose her square boobs, or simply find an actress with nats. That's false, people that buy a new Apple device may get a limited trial period, but it's not free to "every owner of an iPhone". 9.... + <spoiler>⦁ Used old-school tech that very much fit into the 1979 Alien movie ⦁ Great special effects, no fake looking CGI (except 1 below) ⦁ Perfectly captured the tone, look and feel of Alien 1 (ship close quarters, chest bursting, face huggers) while also integrating elements from 2 (action/guns), 4 (baby) and Prometheus (bioweapon/pregnancy) ⦁ Great twists and turns, especially at the end ⦁ The robot guy was awesome - loved the duality of both a gentle/slow/retarded version and the cunning/fast/sharp version ⦁ Great pacing and mix of action and slow, terrifying scenes (baby being born, face hugger attack in room, etc) ⦁ Cool use of tech/new ideas (robot rebooting/chip, gravity, auto-aim gun, etc) ⦁ See how the miners live and how the company treats them ⦁ Great cinematography</spoiler> - <spoiler>⦁ Rook (1979 Synthetic) deaging/CGI tech horrible at first ⦁ The get away from her you b**** felt VERY FORCED ⦁ Much of the cast was forgettable</spoiler> Prey, but both are great! I think I liked Prey more because the lead actress was better and they had more new things, versus Romulus stayed pretty close to the Alien 1 vibe. NICE, pretty much the same except I'd flip 4 & 5. Agreed, felt very forced. Yours is a good compromise idea, if they really had to put a one-liner there. That's a major problem I had with the movie, there was really no good resolution at the end. It was almost like they filmed 90% of it, ran out of budget, then rushed the ending. We had things go bad, then he seemed to reconcile with his friend (girl's Dad) after beating him in the church, with no real explanation, then jump a year later or so and everything is resolved. Instead, I would have loved some resolution with answers to your questions above in the last minutes of the movie instead of some rushed feel good get together and then a hunting trip. No Great non-spoilery review, I agree 100% Completely agree! Way overrated, the plot was nonsensical and if it had some high-brow deep metaphorical meaning, it certainly was lost on me. Loved the animation and music though. Absolutely agree, what a bore fest, both part 1 and part 2. Don't get all the positive critic and audience reviews :( Completely agree. Here people were saying how part 2 had so much more action and more fun to watch. Nope, part 2 is just as much as a confusing bore fest as part 1, pass. No Agreed, in the movie she looks really aged! Completely agree! They cut it that way because they knew not a lot of people would watch the bore fest if it was presented accurately - a bunch of journalists sitting around talking about the burden of their profession and showing how war sucks for 109 minutes.