MovieChat Forums > RangerMcFriendly
RangerMcFriendly (10)
* Makes numerous posts in which he calls other posters "moron" "retard" "shill" "coward" "idiot" "baby" etc.
* Moderators are lenient enough to give him fair warning rather than banning him outright.
* Makes a thread crying about moderators being on a "power trip" and "harassing" him.
* Moderator respectfully replies and reiterates that harassing and flaming other posters is against their community standards.
* Continues to insult other posters in that very thread.
I'm so glad we're able to have such spirited discussions on these boards.
There can be no greater endorsement for a film than this.
At this point, it's painfully clear that thebricks is fully aware that this is a great film from a master class filmmaker, he just can't bear to admit otherwise because that would throw a wrench in his entire shtick of deliberate contrarianism. So naturally he has to invent a bunch of nitpicky bullshit that any simpleton could see right through and mask it underneath an air of false superiority.
And of course it wouldn't be a thebricks rant without a sprinkling of casual racism.
Not at all, I'm just trying to make sure I'm not being held to a double standard.
I disagree, but if that's the case, are you going to come down on thebricks for his tired, stock replies as well? Or is this a narrow target?
I did.
Not my fault thebricks is a stock internet troll.
thebricks is a fragile child who falls apart emotionally when faced with a simple dissenting opinion.
It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.
It's impossible for Edgar Wright to make a bad film at this point.
"This is sad how people on movie boards can't handle dissenting opinions."
How ironic.
Have you tried looking in the mirror?
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