horrorfan000's Replies

American gods was better. So was the Almighty Johnsons. If it wasn't for Jeff Goldblum i probably would have ditched this show by now but i'll finish it. It's my favorite 80s tv show. Hope you enjoy it. How could anyone with half a brain seriously be swayed by a celebrity endorsement. Their not politicians and know about as much about politics as the average Joe. Yet somehow i should follow their recommendation because...they can act or carry a tune. Hey i did a school play once as a kid. Anyone want my recommendation. Not surprised. I knew this would flop hard when i saw the first trailer. I'll watch it now that it's streaming but i wasn't wasting money on a theater for it. Unless Khalil had a disability preventing him from filling out an application and working its a pretty dumb statement to make. Didn't like any of the newbies. Other than Jack Quaid not one of them stood out talent wise. Generic looking dime a dozen pretty faces who are ok actors but thats it. Parts 4, 5 and 6 got progressively worse. The writing got comically stupid. The only ones in 6 i was rooting for to survive were Sidney and Gale. Didn't care about the rest because neither the actors or their characters were at all interesting. Just realized it's being directed by the same guy that did The Invisible man so your probably right. Young Bruce Wayne had a small role in the first Joker movie. So it is related. It just takes place before he becomes Batman. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4M2WTfCDtyU Blazing saddles would never see the light of day if it were made today. Completely agree. She was trying really hard to emulate a broody tough guy but instead it was so cringy and bad it almost felt like a parody of a broody tough guy. Even as a male she was much too small and scrawny to come off as tough so it just looked silly. They should have just gone the X files route and rebooted it with the original cast. That 2019 remake was a god awful woke sappy soap opera. I couldn't get past the first season it was so bad. Sexuality and gender are not the same though. No matter how you view yourself of what you want to identify as you can't think yourself into a new genetic make up. Gender is purely 100 percent genetics. Males have an XY chromosome and females have an xx chromosome. No operation can change that. Not trying to be offensive but your brain defines your character not your gender. Gender isn't psychological it's genetic. Operations and hormone therapy can alter her appearance but not her genetics. Ms Page can identify any way she chooses but genetically she will always be a woman. If i remember right the people in uniform were part of a governmental establishment that wants to rebuild but it turns out to be run by corrupt people as governments usually are. Honestly you didn't miss out on much. Season one was the best season. The series started to favor character drama over the action/horror elements of the show hence where the term the talking dead originated. And it got repetitive. Each season followed the same formula. Act 1 of season team finds home, act 2 of season an enemy comes to muck things up, act 3 of season everything goes to shit and the team moves on. The show had it's highlights but ultimately it never got better than season 1 IMO. Just saying i was disappointed. The Sherlock Holmes with a supernatural twist premise sounded really interesting and maybe had potential if not for obnoxious woke meddling. In retrospect i probably should have come here first and read the other reactions. No one asks for it. There's woke demand for box ticking and there's 2 ways to go about it. Create original content which involves talent and hard work. Or go the easy, lazy route and piggyback on to someone else's talent and hard work and slap a new color, gender or sexuality on it. The people that make these things don't even deserve to be called creators. They don't create anything. They just rehash someone else's work and pretend it's original in some way just because the characters look different. Every time a woke show flops these woke ass clowns jump on the "Well it must be the toxic incel fans fault" band wagon. Maybe if the woke writers could keep their politics out of the workplace instead of obnoxiously shoving them down peoples throats they might actually produce something worth watching. It was ok. I expected more out of it given the the word of mouth hype. like you said it had great atmosphere and it was well shot but it was just ok. A good watch but nothing special. Considering how terrible the trailer looked not much of a shocker. Less so the Mask which was more of a comedy vehicle for Carrey but yes. They all have supernatural abilities that they use to fight crime or evil. So technically they fit the superhero movie tropes.