MovieChat Forums > sabita > Replies
sabita's Replies
My take is that this film should have focused on Steve Biko. I felt that it gave too much weight to Donald Woods' story, as the Brave White Liberal who tells the world about Biko's murder. A bio pic about a South African activist then morphs into a thriller about Woods trying to escape from the apartheid regime. The power of the narrative is watered down, as I fear, the makers of the film did not feel that it would connect with audiences unless you have a white character's arc involved. A similar argument could be made against Mississippi Burning. By the way, this film never gets shown on television.
You must have been watching another film. First, Rey's parentage isn't revealed because that's going to be carried over into the last film. You surely don't believe what Ren said to her do you? Second, it makes perfect sense that a conflicted Ren would want to destroy both the light and dark side of the Force in order to rule himself. As Supreme Leader he is better than Emperor Palatine. What were you expecting, a shadowry omnipotent Sith Lord at the helm a la Sauron of LOTR fame?? A surly cynical Skywalker makes perfect sense because of his failure with Ben Solo. In the canon of fantasy literature it makes sense that the Force is dispensed with because of the never ending battle between good and evil. If both the Light and Dark side are destroyed the eternal battle for mastery can end restoring a perfect equilibrium to the universe. I see that this is the way the trilogy is going. After all, isn't the Force a pseudo religion??? I agree that the silliest moment in the film is the survival of Leia. Ren should have fired the shot that should have killed her rather than surviving the film. And finally, it makes sense that Skywalker died after his exertions projecting his astral self so far away. He'll come back a la Obi Wan and Yoda in the next film to guide Rey in a critical moment. Both she and Ren are clearly related. That will come out in the final film. If anything, the ending hinted at four films rather than three - the Resistance is virtually destroyed. That can't be rebuilt in one film. The allies that the Resistance hinted at will have to come to the fore in a big way. In fact, they will form the core of the new resistance. You quote ONE critic. If you look on Metacritic 45 professional reviewers have given it an average rating of 85%. C'mon my friend, you are being disingenuous in quoting just one source to back up your point. The Last Jedi is a better film than Force Awakens. $573 and rising. It'll make $800-900 million - success!
The Last Jedi has divided opinion. The critics and those who understand film argue that it is a good film. The chattering masses, geeks, nerds and fanboys don't like it. They're wrong. Yes, The Last Jedi could be improved with better choreographed fight scenes but that is a proiblem with all the Star Wars films and it needs a dangerous, menacing and iconic henchman like Darth Maul, but the film is exciting, fast paced and moves the story along into the next segment.
Selina Meyer is not a nice person anyway. She is a terrible mother to Catherine, she is self obsessed and egotistical. Her ambition far exceeds her talent. She treats Gary like a slave, even though he willingly assents to this.If you add to that the fact that she lost the Presidency by a slim margin, it must really annoy her, hence the bitterness.
It's strange seeing all these quality actors in what is basically a glossy soap opera. Robert Duvall, Jane Alexander, Tommy Lee Jones, Edward Hermann and Laurence Olivier. What a line up!