MovieChat Forums > ace242000

ace242000 (4)



I did pay attention and in Prometheus Shaw and David had a weird relationship. Shaw treated David as a human being not a bot. David was raised in a very cold environment which is prob why he was a dick in Prometheus and Covenant. Shaw also wanted to see the Creators of those aliens that killed her man in Prometheus and proceeded to explore at end of the movie in alien spaceship. I believe Shaw and David had relations because they were connected emotionally and he took advantage of her not going into details but thats where it ends with her. With his script being limited prob why its not the best as far as story is concerned. I did not want to use The Martian as an example. Promethus was bad just bad compared to Alien Covenant (at least they filled the movie in with the Alien series and they had to) and that's not a good example for latest comparison. Prometheus to me was a major letdown besides Alien 3 to the series ever. Don't get me wrong there is a lot of questions about this whole series. Before I seen Alien Covenant my main question besides others was What does Prometheus have to do with Aliens? other than the same director there needs to be a connection they filled that prob not the best way but its filled now. With that I can move on with the series. 1. I agree they should have had more than 1 android but in every movie in the series they have always had 1. 2. Don't know why they did it like this but they should have just cut that out and had it where signal was picked up on the ship like in 1979 film. 3.Agreed 4.It was David (one on the planet) that Transmitted it. They sent it into space prob because David (on the planet) knew the ship and what it contained was there. Every single android they have put in these films has one purpose and thats to gain intelligence and send it back to the company main priority. Plus its a colony ship for terraforming which is why it had 1000+ passengers and was looking for an uninhabited planet to live on. 5. If they was able to trace signal in 1979 film then them tracing it today would be just as easy or even easier. 6.They go exploring because they had a big sleeping trip ahead of them if they went home or they could investigate signal from planet which I presume they thought before going down that since they traced a signal that had a song it was transmitted from a human. 7. Thats where the signal came from was in the storm. Storms come and go very quickly on that planet 8. Its clear to us viewers there was intelligent alien life on planet but as a crew they had no idea but they new someone intelligent sent the signal and they needed to find out who and why. If Ridley Scoot is a "once-great director" then what about "The Martian" great movie I thought. As fars as Alien series the one that questions me the most is Alien 3. Only survivors of Aliens were Newt, Ripley, Hicks, and partial droid so why would they just kill all that off at the beginning of 3. For Alien Covenant I feel they filled in Promethus quite well considering before ACV came out no one understood what Promethus had to do with Alien Series now we know. Biggest hole in the series they filled. Seen ACV in movies and loved it! View all replies >