MovieChat Forums > WadeLS71

WadeLS71 (40)


Remember seeing this in the theater Tries to put a lot into each episode So gorgeous! The Rookie Beautiful! Body of Proof She's fantastic! Most beautiful 10-31-18 Riverdale View all posts >


Definitely! What does it matter? Call people what they prefer. It doesn't cost you anything, nobody is hurt by it. Just let people be people. Hot! As a native Tennessean, I would say her accent was spot on. Outside of major cities in the South, especially the Upper South that's what you hear. Plus she is from Georgia so I would say she is using her natural accent. Not at all, she is still beautiful. Vince Vaugh for the size. Could he pull off playing Reacher though? Lol! That's high praise for a network uniform cop show. See I was never a huge fan of Erin. I found her annoying quite often and honestly was glad to see the character go. No way can Upton become such a big character as Erin, without all the history with Voigt, but she's a good fit with the team. She's still gorgeous, too She's doing a guest spot on Riverdale starting next month. Not a show I watch, but I am going to DVR her episodes. View all replies >