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OriginalContent (34)
Any News About Season 3?
What Do You Think Became of Cáit?
Whatever happened to this guy?
How did they know...? (Spoilers)
Literally No Answered Questions
Why did (spoilers)?
Could you survive one of Jigsaw's "games"?
I didn't like it but...
What happened at the end?
Will MC really be the new IMDB?
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I love salt and vinegar chips!
Thanks! I didn't even know there was a documentary so I was just about to look it up.
I would go everywhere and see everything if I could but I'd start with Japan, Sweden, Thailand, and South Korea.
Thank you! 😊
cable - no
photo album - no
stove top kettle? no
paper maps - no
CDs - yes
alarm clock - no
department store catalog - no
board games - yes
playing cards - yes
wall calendar - no
I totally would if I had both the money and the time off of work to do so. Sadly, I don't see that happening in the foreseeable future.
I think it's worth it because I get it for free and at a place that I have to be anyway (work) but if I had to pay for it and go out of my way to get it then no.
I love movies like this too. The Girl With All The Gifts comes to mind as well and was a fabulous movie. I'm going to give the 2 you mentioned a try. Thanks for the suggestions!
Yeah, it wrapped up what little story there was.
Bad lighting, bad angle, bad make up job, and she put on a couple pounds. All fixable.
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