MovieChat Forums > Nosduj > Replies

Nosduj's Replies

And let them come back later, possibly with other, to take what you have? I do not think so. Paul should have killed Will the moment he saw him. See what being nice got them? A dead son. There is no place for mercy in a situation such as this. BUT WE’LL NEVER STOP WE’LL NEVER QUIT ‘CAUSE WE’RE METALLICA Talladega. Metallica - Whiplash "BUT WE’LL NEVER STOP WE’LL NEVER QUIT ‘CAUSE WE’RE METALLICA" Just because you have God on your side does not mean that you will be exempt from the consequences of your actions. If you are not willing to sacrificed for what you believe in, then just how badly to do you actually believe in it? There is no joke. There is nothing to "get". He is just explaining how he knows that there is an electrical service duct behind the drum riser. He used to work there. David Bowie. Not a shred of talent but became famous simply because he was oddly flamboyant. Shelly had the nicest tits. She was a very compassionate person. And I bet she had a really sweet pot. Humor is just probably not your thing. Don't feel bad, just move on. She got her tits out. Well, it did not last very long. How prescient of you. Was Gus Fring gay? Uh, yes. It was so obvious you see it from space. All great picks. Except for The Missing & CB Stroke which I have not yet seen. You have DEFINATELY missed out of Justified. And make some time for Mad Men. Auto-erotic asphyxiation is a good bet but I would have to go with pills too. Yes. That is what they think. Because that is what they have been told to think. Right, a "Survivalist" who did so much stuff right, had only a nearly 100 year old rifle to survive with. An entire episode? No. It was purely gratuitous. There wasn't a point really. At least not with regard to the plot of the show/game as it served the plot of neither. I suppose the show runners did their penance now maybe they can get on with the show. Shameless gay lip service aside, they can do so without me: A Survivalist who does not own even one semi-automatic rifle? Traipsing through a post-apocalyptic and will not even give your companion a gun? Seems such typical Hollywood silliness. Yep. And you want to be my Latex salesmen...