lifecomm's Replies

In season one there were two hitmen that came from Fargo. He was the deaf one. Remember, he was the one that Malvo let go/live at the hospital. I assume that he's the one Yuri is actually after in the bus - I hope anyhow! You didn't notice who was sitting next to Nikki? Mr. Wrench... Thanks, man! Thanks! Somehow I missed that scene - what episode is that in? Did Mike ever get that losers baseball cards back? I don't understand the "bingo" part either. It may be about confirming the tape will be played in the hearing - but I think it has to do with confirming the copy of the tape exists and that the copy was destroyed. Anyhow, the tape wasn't needed for Jimmy to reveal Chuck's lunacy. Something else is at play. My hope: Kim has maneuvered the HHM legal dream team into some sort of trap that will demonstrate her superior legal skills. Maybe something that leads to Chuck, not Jimmy, getting disbarred. As Chuck said, "the law is too important."