MovieChat Forums > jk90us > Replies

jk90us's Replies

In your opinion. Neither can you. You just choose not to believe. Fingers crossed. 😄😄😄😄 “No one celebrated me playing a guy who loves sex with other men so they obviously won’t watch me playing a rough, tough soldier battling Nazis in WWII in a big budget action film.” 🙄 Sgt. Rock is a comic book published by DC Comics. And no he isn’t gay. Hopefully the film doesn’t change that. “forst”? Forget Willis. I’m starting to worry about you. Why are we having this discussion on the Trump page? That’s like asking who was the hottest actress ever on the Rosanne Barr page. >The original movie had fights, explosions, tommy guns, electrocutions, fires, bondage and wisecracking reporters. I guess that must be trash too? Yeah but no tits. We needed to see Margaret Sheridan’s tits, dammit! It isn’t a reboot of the 50s film, it’s another more faithful adaptation of the original short story. It also added the graphic horror it deserved and couldn’t be included in the first film. But if you don’t like what is considered by many to be one of the greatest sci-fi horror films ever made, just don’t watch it. I’ve seen it several times and I’ll continue to do so. Hey. If that’s your delusion, enjoy. Doesn’t change my life a bit. Damn impressive and thank you very much for your service, sir. Now ask around. How many people know you vs. Walsh? How many people follow and watch Walsh everyday vs. you? Just because he doesn’t do what you did doesn’t mean his level of performance isn’t higher or more successful in his industry vs. what you did as a career. Why would I insult a gree? Nice — though weak — try but I make my own decisions. I loved the TV series but this atrocity was terrible because: -The ridiculously miscast Will Smith -They made it about racism -The script was awful with humor that never worked -Their idiotic interpretation of Loveless Only things I did like was the casting of Kline and Hayek’s bare ass. If you liked this POS then you’re just easily amused. Her name is listed there now. Looks like they’d the only role she had. He was lactose intolerant. Yeah she is dimwitless. True but Edward’s made Monsters, which at least put him in the same genre. >She has been the subject of a film; not a Holly wood film though. Yulia Peresild, the actress who portrayed her in the film is neither black nor trans. Because it wasn’t produced recently. But I notice they cast an actress much more attractive than the real Pavlichenko. Smart move. >Why do you think you can peg a person as trans based on a single photo of their face? I said she MAY have been. It’s her manly face. >Ah yes, this is one of those traits that misogynists like you openly exhibit. Your wild off target guess just makes you look silly, lady. >I'm not pushing Pavlichenko hard, she was merely an example of a level of performance that Walsh could never hope to achieve, even though he is a man and Pavlichenko is a woman. Yet he’s far, far more successful and provides a level of performance than you can ever hope to achieve. Also, you have no idea how well he would have performed as a sniper. You had me at “lots of tits.” 😄