MovieChat Forums > marty4650 > Replies
marty4650's Replies
You are absolutely right. Topa was born female, so this was just her "transitioning back to the way she was born." Call it "chromosome conformity." Odds are that McFarland and the writers didn't intend to support something as unwoke as "de-transitioning" but they ended up doing it. And probably by accident.
Another shocker was that they had a whole planet of persecuted women worshipping Dolly Parton, and not Michelle Obama. Kudos to the writers for doing something so unpredictable.
Overall though, this is still a great show, despite the heavy injection of 21st century wokeness 400 years into the future. It is the most interesting and entertaining sci-fi show we have seen in quite some time.
Mighty1... look up the definition of "diversity." It doesn't mean "all villains must be white males, and all heroes must be minorities or women." When you skew things in one direction it isn't diverse. It is woke virtue signaling.
While Kim has lots of good reasons to leave Jimmy, I don't think she will. I think it is much more likely that Jimmy.... seeing the danger he has put her in.... will dump Kim in order to save her life. I know this sounds crazy, but isn't this exactly what Werner (the German engineer heading up the super meth lab project) did to protect his wife from danger.
It seems like we got our answer in Part 2.
The other 299 members of the Planetary Union didn't have to lift a finger to help. The non-member Krills jumped in to defeat the Kaylons, after realizing that they too are "biologicals" and would eventually be a target for the Kaylons.
And this just helps make my point. It wasn't just the 300 Planetary Union members who had a strong incentive to stop the Kaylons... it was ANY race of biological beings. So the Kaylon plan was even dumber than I imagined it was.
Markdown..... it seems you were right about Jimmy getting back at the thugs.
I don't think Jimmy did it for the money..... or to impress his boss.... or to network with street thugs.
Jimmy did it because he loves to sell.
It is what he does best. He is a salesman/conman at heart and is happiest when he talks people into things.
Imagine how successful he could have been if he sold real estate or was a stock broker. But then it would be an entirely different show, and not as exciting.
What a huge disappointment Ben was! This was the LEAST competitive finale in ten years.
He served up a very boring and simple first dish for a Masterchef finale and got blown out of the water. He was so far behind in the point count, that they probably should have handed Sashi the trophy right after the end of round one.
It almost looked like Ben didn't want to win. What was he thinking?
I can't wait for the next episode.
This is one of the best shows to ever appear on television. Arguably even better than Breaking Bad.
But I can understand why anyone with a short attention span would be frustrated by the slow pace of the show. Better Call Saul depends on deep character development and lots of tension and suspense. This kind of show is not for everyone, especially those who like the instant gratification of action/adventure shows.
Better Call Saul is more like a psychological thriller. It probably isn't your cup of tea, but I love it.
Also, let's remember that Mike is a pretty smart guy.
He set up this money laundering scheme with Madrigal, and now he needs to prove he has a real job in case the IRS ever questions all those big "paychecks." So Mike covers his own butt by showing up for work and actually doing a good job. With plenty of witnesses present, in case it is every challenged.
Forget my "work ethic theory." This might just be a case of Mike leaving nothing to chance. He always sees ahead, and is always careful to avoid any loose ends.
My theory.
Mike has a strong blue collar work ethic. He has never done a job poorly. And he is very careful to make sure the job comes first. (Remember when Jimmy asked him why they gave back all the money that Craig Kettleman had embezzled? Mike said "I was hired to do a job, and that's exactly what I did.")
When Mike saw that big paycheck, he felt guilty about not working for it. So the obvious solution is "go to work, and do a good job."
Just remember.... neither one knows they are aunt and nephew.
And even if they did, it probably wouldn't matter in a world where royal incest is common.
I don't think she fell asleep.
She was just distracted and thinking about what she was going to say at her meeting. She just wasn't paying attention at all.
She was running late, and trying to prepare for her meeting and didn't even realize her car had veered off the road. And neither did we, because the writers were putting us in her place. So we would be as stunned as she was.
If she hadn't hit that rock, her car would have plummeted off the cliff, killing her. So in that way, she was pretty fortunate.
The UFO arrival in season 2 accomplished one wonderful thing.
It gave Kirsten Dunst the opportunity to casually deliver that great line:
“Ed.... It’s just a flyin’ saucer. We gotta go.”
John, you are right on all counts.... but even a bad episode (or season) of Fargo still beats the quality of 99% of everything else on TV today.
Shows like Fargo, Better Call Saul, Vikings, and even Game of Thrones are so well written, well directed and well acted that they are allowed to have disappointing episodes and even less than stellar seasons.
"Magic" is a relative term that is elusive to most of the shows on TV. And "some magic" is always better than none.
Most of those pirate websites edit out the commercials, so those views shouldn't have any weight on the economic decision to renew a series.
Just remember.... the ONLY reason that ratings matter is for advertising sales.
Welcome to the real world.
The world is full of ordinary looking people, and not people who all look like Brad Pitt and Anjolina Jolie. I think Vince Gilliam is going for realism, and not for glamour, and I think he is wildly succeeding at it.
Absolutely right.
Lets not forget how Jimmy spent years looking after Chuck, and Chuck repaid him by getting his license to practice law suspended for a year. And this wasn't the first time Chuck sabotaged Jimmy. Every time Jimmy tried to get ahead in life, Chuck would push him down.
Chuck is a sick and evil human being, and Jimmy is finally fed up with being the caring and loving brother. I really can't blame him for that.
As far as Jimmy wanting a refund of his insurance payment, I just don't see how the insurance company can legally keep the money. They are collecting money for nothing, since he cannot practice law. This would be like an insurance company continuing to charge you home owner's insurance after your house burns down, or billing you for life insurance after you are dead.
If his license to practice was suspended, his insurance premiums should be suspended too for the duration. After he regains his license they can jack up his rates, but I don't see how they can ethically collect premiums when it is impossible for them to be insuring anything for the next year.
So... you wanted "maximum impact" rather than accuracy?
The OP has said nothing that is racist or even bigoted. He simply stated the well know fact that Muslims despise us for what they perceive as our lack or morality and our sexual depravity. If you doubt this, then just ask them. It is they, and not us who stone women to death for adultery, murder their own daughters for dishonoring the family, and who throw gay people off tall buildings. They seem to have a pretty clear policy on this.
Yet the OP saying this somehow enraged you and you felt compelled to insult him in return. And you even admit you used the term "racist" rather than "bias" because you felt it has more impact, even though not technically correct. You wanted impact, and not accuracy.
Do you actually support Sharia Law? Would you bring it here? Why do you defend these misogynists and homophobes so vigorously?
Well.... how about this.... Rather than calling it a "racist rant" and later saying his post was "derived from racism" you could have called it a "biased rant" and said it was "derived from bias."
This really isn't rocket science.
If you insist on misusing words for maximum insult value in order to be politically correct, then people will tend to assume the worst about you. It is your choice to make, since you say you are open.
That is the whole problem with flash-backs and flash forwards,
You need really good make up artists.
Remember that classic film "Little Big Man" where a young Dustin Hoffman was transformed into a 90 year old man? Now that took a really good make up artist to do!