MovieChat Forums > woollybully07
woollybully07 (32)
Cheers Lost Episode
Frasier Cheers Crossover
Cheers Frasier Crossover
What do NON Bill and Ted fans think from the trailers?
One thing I DON'T get about this show.
Joker's Torture of Tim All Thanks to Ace?
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Well with all the makeup for Beetlejuice it does hide some of the aging, but honestly I wouldn't be surprised if there's not a line a dialogue about how his powers are waning for something and that's why he looks older.
Personally it DOENS'T bother me in the Burton films or BVS since they never establish those versions of Batman have a no killing rule. It DOES bother me in the Nolan films because they won't shut up about Bale's Batman refusing to kill but then just goes and kills his bad guys.
The one part that just goes a little too far for me is when baby Oswald eats the cat. I don't know why, I personally don't like cats and am normally not bothered by depictions of animal deaths in movies like some people. Something about is just too extreme for me even in this movie.
Part of it could be I grew up watching our recorded off TV version which cut that part (along with a LOT of little moments throughout the movie) so the regular uncut version of the movie feels like a special edition.
Not really, given how stupid Bill and Ted are it's very in keeping with their characters to name their daughters after themselves not realizing that those totally aren't girls names.
Personally I always like the second one more.
Still the part that makes this confusing is that Red seems to completely identify as a clone now and it seems to fix in well with the world the movie creates that Adelaide repressed her past.
or it's like what other people are saying where all the moments we thought were honest motherly love were actually self serving from Adelaide because she knew what was up.
Either reading seems to fit just as well. Neither completely fills everything in since they left it so vague. I think kinda like that aspect about the film.
they said this is taking place in the 90s.
Disney didn't make this.
The thing I enjoy the most about Donnie Darko is the mood that film creates. It's nice to have things more fully explained but by the time I had seen the director's cut I had watch the theatrical cut multiple times and basically had it figured out so the director's cut didn't add much other than with all the new scenes the flow and thus the mood was no where near as affective.
I think he's good in here and other things he did later. Although I don't know what I'd personally consider to be his best.
One aspect of his performance I didn't like in Donnie Darko was his stupid baby voice he'd use when he was under hypnosis or trance while talking to Frank.
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