RockAway's Replies

Autism is not an illness. Being autistic does not mean you have an illness or disease. It means your brain works in a different way from other people. Why would I make fun of people? Being on the spectrum is not a medical condition 🙄 She’s an amazing actress with a lot of range. I first watched her on Peep Show, one of the funniest British comedies ever made, you must check it out. She was great in that. She made me cry in The Night Manager, her line delivery was so good. You’ll ALLOW me to respond? Wow. Which party is it again that is banning books? Oh yeah, that’s the Right. Irrelevant people aren’t cancelled, people have always been ‘cancelled’ by society for being unkind, that will likely never change. Hopefully censorship of ideas will stop being censored in the future though. I don’t know what you think the Left has to do with conformity since most artists are Liberals and artists hate conformity. The wise and knowledgeable conservative thinkers I know can’t stand Trump. It’s really been such a shame that conservatives have been represented by such an embarrassing character. Your parents would be so proud of the person you’ve become. Who are the donors in the ‘climate industry’? Are you educated about why there is a push to move to green energy or do you believe that it was all just designed to be a pain in the ass for everyone? You are toxic. Religious people are usually the worst people you’ll ever meet. People who actually have empathy are starting to realize that more and more every day. Eventually people will stop thinking that folks who say they are pastors are good people. They aren’t good people, they are con men, just like Trump. I don’t think that’s true at all, look at Nicole Kidman or Tom cruise. Most Hollywood actors seem to defy age. You are such a toxic person. I hope you get it all out here and don’t release it on your family, Christ! What was the plot of the movie to you? It was about the different people who lived in the house. People like you need to embrace that America is more than just white people. So he was just raising his hand 🙄 The story being told is about the families that inhabited the house so how did it add nothing to the story? The father explaining to his black son how to behave when he gets pulled over is a discussion that goes on in every black person’s house with their kids. Why wouldn’t it be? Guys love it when we see a fat guy with a hot wife lol. I liked them too. I don’t think the story was showing the importance of the people living in it, I saw it as a slice of life for each family that lived in the house. What we were seeing was just what was going on with these very different Americans that lived in that house. They probably moved into a bigger house with the success of the lazy-boy. I thought he was the guy that had a heart attack too, that heart attack was amazing, he really bounced lol So you are pretending that gestures don’t have meaning? Showing the sole of your foot isn’t offensive in Saudi Arabia? The middle finger isn’t offensive? You don’t repeat an ‘accidental’ gesture.