MovieChat Forums > metatron > Replies
metatron's Replies
It was surreal being back in the theater. Maybe I enjoyed it more for it being my first in what feels like forever. Maybe it's just a better movie than most are giving it credit for. I think it helps that it's a Fox film which gives it a unique quality/flavor. Bittersweet that this was their last one.
The show reminded me of Hannibal because Schaeffer is a lot like Will Graham. He's someone that can get inside the mind of a murderer but at the risk of their own sanity. Catherine has similar traits as well. They both have a deeper understanding of darkness which makes them better at catching killers than the others.
It is one of the better endings in a recent film and in general I liked it better than you did. I dig fantasy stuff and they nailed the brother characters.
The start of the movie was alright. I was curious what Egypt was which he needed to take over the world. But then Jobe becomes a caricature of a villain, tries to kill Peter, and the intrigue deflates. Like it was just going through the motions with some decent visual design and the occasional alright scene.
That's a good point. You'd get tired of being 15 and getting carded if you want to gamble, drink, etc.
I agree. She was phenomenal.
As for her offer, I'd have said no if I knew that being one of her group meant killing others to live long, especially since it was mostly children they fed on. It seemed that she kept that information from the prospects until they'd already become whatever they were though.
I thought I'd like this movie and I liked it a lot more than I expected. Mike Flanagan really handles characters well here similar to his The Haunting Of Hill House with the difference being that was a show and this was a movie. A longer movie however and a lot of the scenes helped flesh out the protagonists and antagonists so for me it never felt like too much. Probably my favorite part is when Rose astral projects. I loved how they shot that and where the scene goes.
Definitely better to me than Pet Semetary and maybe better than It Chapter Two though I did have a good time with that movie. Haven't seen In The Tall Grass.
Were you seeing it in 3D?
Sometimes 3D can make it darker. I watched it in Imax (non-3D) and didn't notice it being blurry or dark. The movie looked fantastic with all the different creatures. I really liked the other dark faeries and Maleficient's new lore. To me it was better and more balanced than the original and felt like a satisfying conclusion if we don't get a third one.
It's pretty decent if you're looking for an over the top action movie with seriously impressive and highly detailed CG animation. It's a real sight on Blu-ray.
Having the weapons in the shop once you've acquired them in the world is a smart solution. I can't really think of anything better.
The Fast and The Furious franchise, including this movie, is probably as close as American media has to Dragon Ball Z. Bad guys or antiheroes becoming heroes, non-stop testosterone action, and this one even had a slow-motion fight sequence.
Cute, funny, and just an enjoyable movie. It's a shame it isn't doing better but nothing has been really aside from Disney.
When I heard Laverne Cox sing I understood why she was cast as Frank. Her style/voice is similar to Tim Curry as he was in the role. But Curry was 1000% iconic and irreplaceable as Frank. The only way it could have kind of worked is if they'd done a sequel where they explain he went through a change after surviving a near death experience kind of like The Doctor in Doctor Who.
The original movie is arguably a perfect version of what it was trying to go for so either doing a sequel or changing things up would have been better.
I liked it a lot. It's been long enough since they've done one of these kind of movies (surviving predators in the water) that it felt refreshing and the direction/pacing kept it tense.
I agree it's possible. On a related note I'm not sure Pelle loved her in the way one normally views love. I think instead that she may have been his astrological match similar to how the red haired woman was seen as a fit pairing with Christian. Almost an arranged couple of sorts but based not on wealth or circumstance yet some sort of celestial or spiritual basis. Like, they were the right energies to be joined together.
If people want a regular horror movie I wouldn't recommend this film. If they are willing to get lost in an otherworldly occult experience than Midsommar is the right choice. When I was in the theater I was totally conscious that I was there but when the movie was over I felt strange. Like I'd woken up from a dream without having went to sleep. You're right about the acting and visuals being fantastic.
Yeah, I'd give it an 8/10 as well. It's a funny movie but they could have dialed down the comedy a smidge to balance it more. Jake is always great. Loved the trippy mind-bending Mysterio scenes. I really liked Zendaya and her character in this one as well. The slightly morbid without it seeming forced personality really works for her.
It wasn't my favorite of the franchise but I thought the characters were handled very well and liked that each of the girls had their own stuff going on. They felt like real, distinct people. Some horror movies don't develop characters at all or they make them unlikable and that's definitely not the case here. I also like the mostly faith positive aspect of these movies. I don't care what people believe. It's just nice when believing in itself isn't mocked.
Speaking of the future, I hope we see more of these characters. Maybe once the main actress, McKenna, is older and can play an adult Judy. The Conjuring universe doesn't have a lot of recurring characters/actors outside of Ed and Lorraine, Father Perez, and the villains so it'd be nice to see more of that. They could be in another sequel about Annabelle, or a Black Shuck spin-off, or anything really, as long as it's a good story.