MovieChat Forums > TheRealGameboy > Replies
TheRealGameboy's Replies
i'[m a tu[rd fu]cker (twee]n bo[ys' t[urds, th[at is). 👦💩👦💩👦💩👦💩👦💩 ❤️️
i rea[lly en[joyed how dre[w gor[don us[ed to insul[t me by call[ing me "pedo[turd" l[ol. he to[tally nai[led it: i[m a ped[o who lov[es tur[ds (litt[le boy[s' tur[ds, th[at is). 👨👦❤️️ 👦👦👦💩💩💩💩❤️️
tee[ming with underag[ed tw[een bo[ys with unwi[ped bot[toms for me to li[ck (i ho[pe). 👨👦❤️️
not inter]ested in talk[][[ing to you un[less you're un]d[]er 12 ye]ars ol]d and ma[le.