MovieChat Forums > Rowan
Rowan (11)
Resignation twist....
Team Kaplan or Team Reddington?
Anyone else watching season 4?
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I agree. I'm really enjoying this series.
Thanks for this - good write up. I too feel that the episode didn't seem to be the end of the series - I actually had to go look it up to make sure. Poor Jay :( Overall I liked the series less as it went on. I think I'll go with a score of 6. It was just so hard to find any character likeable enough to care about. Maybe the druggie girl - she cleaned up all right in the end.
Really?? I loved her in this season. She plays her character perfectly, quite and unassuming but you know there's a barracuda in there somewhere. She would be a formidable opponent, made even more effective by others underestimating her power based on her understated delivery.
All good and valid points - I guess I just really like Kate and don't want to see the end of her. If by chance they've decided not to continue the show I think Kate would be a good tool to see him off.
Cannot confirm or deny at this point
Season 4 doesn't disappoint!
Right up to the end I thought that Paula had arranged it to look like Ellen had grabbed the baby and would therefore end up in jail (given that they were found together at the library when the cops arrived). I'm still not sure how the cops knew it wasn't like that when they arrived, unless Paula had confessed? It's unclear. I'm not surprised the Paula was able to turn them all against Ellen - the manipulations are so subtle that they are hard to see from the inside. The one person who knows the truth ends up looking paranoid. I was in that situation once to a certain extent. The ex-friend in question came to me five years later and apologised, having finally discovered what the manipulator was really like (my friend lost her relationship and her job before the penny eventually dropped). It's scary to think that people like that really exist... looking forward to more excellent UK drama :)
I've been watching - really enjoying it so far. Can't wait for the next episode. Perfect example of "gaslighting". Definitely something funny going on with Paula and her family. We can only hope that it all comes out in the final episode and Ellen is exonerated...
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