imdbarchive's Replies

shameless plug: you can do this at imdbarchive. it is very easy to link your account there. <a href="">information here</a> i'm sure jim and the other sites will steal this feature at some point. but i was first with it. just like i was the first site to be registered and to have archives. shameless brag other cool features at imdbarchive: -<a href="">chrome addon that puts boards back on imdb that looks and functions like they never left</a> -private messages -can post pictures. web links automatically are clickable -state of the art formatting options like bold, italics, etc. -looks just like the old imdb boards -<a href="">hot girls thread</a> all we know at this point is they are dead. we can't say how it happened. it would be irresponsible to speculate. it was james at guys, i'm getting worried. <a href="">3 operators of similar sites have all gone missing in the past couple weeks</a>. obviously not a coincidence. RIP my imdb bros maybe he's just been away for 2 weeks working on super awesome features that will crush my site once and for all. in that case, i change my mind. i hope you're not alright, jim. i'm sure he's fine. unlike me, he probably just has a life to attend to. just want to say, before any irresponsible speculation begins, i had absolutely nothing to do with jim's mysterious disappearance, and i hope his body is found soon so his family can have some closure. seriously though, hope you're Alright, Jim. :) the intent was always as an archive. it's how i was able to get so much of the main boards in time. i always loved checking out the forums after i'd watched something, and was upset that they were going away. i've been a part of communities that failed to archive before, and it always feels like a great loss. didn't want it to happen again. then i saw this site pop up, and it'd be a lie to say there wasn't some jealousy. despite being first, my site just never got the traffic this one did. i'm just not a good self promoter. but who knows, maybe it still can. thanks for liking my site though, even if it kind of sucks right now. couldn't have created an archive before, because imdb never gave permission until they announced they were removing the boards. i certainly didn't do it. if it wasn't jim, then maybe it was that mysterious evil woman who plagiarized that netflix ad. what was her name again? oh, that's right. we never got it. going innnnnn yeah it's dead.... ...DEAD AWESOME! a little slow... but growing. i think does anyone know why my reply keeps getting deleted? bug in the forum software? third times a charm: i heard someone say that imdbarchive was first. looked it up, and it checks out: filmboards/imdbarchive: registered Feb 4th;type=domain moviechat: registered Feb 8th;type=domain imdbarchive is where all the legit og homies hang out. thanks for the kind words, and especially thanks for not wishing me death. you didn't have to do that. thanks. but if you love someone, you have to love their flaws too. that means you love the errors. there shouldn't be that many though. most likely any errors your received occurred during site updates. i was kidding mostly. but wishing death on the competition was pretty harsh. especially considering my site was registered first and had complete archives first. my mom tells me i'm the best too, fyi, and she wouldn't lie. she says jim sucks and is a liar, btw. can confirm onemovieavenue is its own thing. guy/girl who made it seems like an honest person and the site looks very nice. imdbarchive guy is pretty swell too. traitor could be a coincidence, but you're not the guy who has been scraping my site, the superior (all the posts, without all those pesky people) for the past few days are you? you jacked up my server bill, if so. that's