MovieChat Forums > who8mycookie > Replies
who8mycookie's Replies
I know this is a thread from a year ago but I just watched season one.
I started with sympathy but it didn't last the whole season. I actually felt if she wanted sympathy from me one of those tapes should have been of her mother, who seemed to be very self involved. Maybe she only appeared that way because of Hannah's suicide but she came across in flashbacks as self serving as well. Like the mother, Hannah put the blame on everyone but rarely herself.
Her so called boyfriend took a pic and showed his friends which made its way around school, I had sympathy for that. It was kind of hard to keep up the sympathy when she continued to place herself in vulnerable positions with that group of people. Then when she attempted to put some blame on Clay for not returning after she told him to go at the party and never explained in the days after, it was really hard to give the character sympathy. She put Clay through hell with those tapes but he was there for her in life and she pushed him away - her own actions.
I did not quite understand what she wanted the counselor at the school to do, she was unwilling to actually say what happened, who did it, etc but she beat around the bush. The counselor could have pushed more but she did to him like Clay and walked away. She expected so much from those she pushed away and then laid guilt trips on them when they walked away. How could the counselor help her if she was unwilling to offer information to allow him to help her, how could Clay? A school full of people and she elected to continue to attempt friendships with the same group of people who continued to hurt her?
Actually, I do like the show and watch it most nights as I head off to bed. However, a discussion board is not a fan page therefore discussion is what you get. If you want fan discussion only then you should create or head over to a fan page and post over THERE. .
You presume to know someone from a post and read your own opinion into it. I have discussed shows/movies on the old IMDB board that I loathed, loved, and was indifferent about, that is called discussion. If I took the time to watch something, why not discuss with others one way or the other.
You have a problem with people discussing a show if it is not a shared fondness. Just like you seem to have a problem with my reply which I did state I like ILL but you judged it to mean I don't are for the show because I pointed out some variation of changes I have come to feel, namely giving you limited examples from select episodes of an entire show. Broaden your mind a bit and learn to stop putting your own twist between the lines and you might not have coronary reading something about ILL.
The limited posts I have put on ILL, you have managed to comment on declaring something that is way off from what I stated because you add your own version of what you perceive instead of what is actually written. I will continue to enjoy discussion while you continue to judge and act like the real troll. BYE
Why are people trolls if they do not find ILL funny or Ball herself funny? It is a message board and opinions should be welcomed no matter if they favor your view or not.
I like ILL but find plenty of moments that I once enjoyed or liked now annoying or view them differently. I like the show but after several viewings the characters flaws are more evident and become grating. Those flaws are funny at times but with several viewings they become more evident and it can change viewing experiences. Maybe not for you but people are aloud to change opinions or views.
I used to love Ethel, I still do for the most part but she has her moments that stand out that make her less tolerable. I have always viewed Lucy as demanding and needy, manipulating ways to get what she wants. It is funny at times but what was funny before sometimes stands out as more annoying now. The appeal is lost at times. For an example, one of my favorite episodes is when Ricky thinks he has a job in Maine and they want to sublease. The Mertz are unbearable in that episode for the most part. Ricky says he is going to pay for them to go to Maine to visit but once they Mertz find out he can make a profit on the sublease they act like he is doing them a disservice. They have no problem with the Ricardo's flipping the bill for them to take holiday in Maine but they have a problem with the Ricardo's making a few dollars in the process.
Then you have the episode where Lucy cannot make up her mind. The group goes to dinner and she keeps switching tables and changing her order. She is very unlikable in the beginning of the episode, IMO. The way she walks into the restaurant after keeping everyone waiting and sits down "I know what I want, lets order....waiter, waiter,.." and then stands up in an attempt to stop the waiter. She was very demanding, I want to order, I want to change tables, I want to change tables again, on and on.
I didn't really think they looked much older as they much as I thought they just looked bad. Desi looked like drinking was taking a toll on his once youthful looks. Lucy on the other hand looked like she was trying to hide stress, she was overdoing the makeup bit (IMO) and it didn't suit her appearance well, it made her look bad.
I know this is a 6 month old thread but browsing the board since I just found it.
The only death I recall learning about was Lucy. I don't recall when or how I started watching ILL but Vance died when I was quite young and I don't believe I had watched ILL at the time.
My introduction to Ball was quite odd as it was from Three's Company and since I didn't know at the time who she was, it didn't mean anything to me. I didn't really know who she was until one time I was on holiday at my grandfather's and one of her other shows came on late night. It was ok and my grandfather told me she was a comedic genius. The show was a color one I saw, it opened with a caricature of Ball in front of a curtain with the actors names. I didn't get the genius part until after her death when I guess I stumbled upon ILL, which quickly changed my mind about her.