torn_and_frayed's Replies

Yes, I do. I used the same username I have here now and remember all those names you listed. A few years ago they invited me to a chat room a few of them would use after the boards got bad. I hadn't used them myself in a while so it was sweet that they remembered me. I lost the page though somewhere and still regret it. Hope some of them are around here now. If you haven't yet, see IT. It definitely has that funhouse movie experience you're talking about. Hey Vasquez. Have you ever been mistaken for a man? No, have you? Over hyped. Everyone's just happy they let him swear. It's the best Wolverine movie by a long way and the best Xmen movie since 2, but it's not a masterpiece. I liked it enough but there should have been a stinger after the credits where he climbs back out of the grave. The Wolverine can't die.