AlyCat22's Replies

They are from my I pad. You are communicating with someone is is the complete opposite of a tech genius. :) Did Jared sign that Turducken sign? Kidding. I always get a kick out of his signature compared to Jensen’s. The writers aren’t our supernatural writers? How in the Hell is that going to work. More to the point - why didn’t our writers pen the episode? I’m not feeling this... Dean wearing Fred’s scarf when he returns. ;). Wonder if Daphne gifted it to him as a rememberance. Ohhh now I’m having thinky thoughts about two cartoon characters having sex. I think I’ve crossed a line... ;) What the Hell is Dabb talking about ‘when Daphne wasn’t bad’? I don’t remember Daphne ever being bad. Did I miss something while growing older gracefully? ;). Tho honestly Dabb makes about half as much sense in interviews as did his predecessor... I’ll be the first to admit I hated the idea of Jacks introduction but dudes portrayal of him was so awesome from the jump that he won me over. I love how he shows Jacks innocence and layers. I really want Jack to stay around for the long run. I mean how cute were his reactions (and that small, pleased smile) in the Zachariah induced scene where Dean said ‘home where he belongs’. Awwwww. *Waves hello to Cass*👋. Oh my gosh is this one giving the finger? 🖕 :) 🍸 🍺 🍷 🥃 🍹 🍻 🥂 🍼🍦. And what the Hell is this one? 🕴. And why is this one stuck in amongst a grocery cart? 🎎 Anyway... WELCOME BACK! You should link some of those lovely stories. :) I know it’s been said to death but he really is aging like a fine wine. Mercy. Danneel is one very lucky woman. Ooh mercy! Just saw a few. Our Jensen was a happy, happy guy last night. Was so excited to be singing with Corey. Too bad they couldn’t get Kurt Fuller. Why are the angels different but Bobby and Kevin are the same. Or at least look the same. And while I’m at it - who else thought that the idea of demons and angels going to the Empty when they die is lame? Eternal rest for an Demon. A demon. Much less an angel. I’d prefer to think that their energies just went back to the universe... It’s sounding like shades of Harry Potter. Who is writing this one? Funny how no one outside of Dream Walkers ever crossed dimensions and now it seems like there’s a spell to be had every time they turn around. Michael has his from Kevin doing his translating, Rowena will have hers from the Black Grimoire, Jack ripped the very curtain between, poor dead Kaia could skip and hop into them and now the boys will get their hands on another? Oh and Gabe will probably just happen to have heard it from a guy who heard it from a guy... bleh. Not feeling terribly excited here. If they are going to bring anyone back I’d love to see Cain. Or Benny. It’s as if so much that we (and Sam and Dean) see is not what it seems. Unfortunately the boys haven’t realized this yet. Other than the fact that Asmodeus can shift. Oh I thought of another example. Ketch. Acting as his “brother” until Dean called him out on it. Working both sides which Sam and Dean just found out about that one too. We have so many characters as Trojan horses right now - Donatello as an unsuspecting double agent, Jack as an unknown - good or evil, Asmodeus can shapeshift, Rowena and her new found power, Kaia now dead, with her Bad Place alter ego in her place... to name a few. It makes sense based on that theme that Castiel is either still in the Empty or, unbeknownst to him, has a passenger aboard. I’d like to think that the angel who once again is showing that he not only has a backbone but has reunited with his previous bad self is our guy but I will be shocked if it isn’t EntiCas that has taken his place. I wonder when Dabb plans on putting the breaks on these returning characters. Particularly the dead ones. If that’s the Heavenly Throne then they need a new decorator. Why would the throne fit a vessels body anyway. Chrysler building anyone? Personally I am so over the caricature that is Asmodeus and his man spread while sitting on the “throne”. I don’t find him frightening or threatening. Not really interesting. Wasn’t he a NepDuo Creation? The guy who played Ramiel would have been a better choice. I find it interesting that Ketch stands up to him. It’s almost as if they have had a previous relationship. Remember last year when we heard his voice on the recorder at the BMOLs US headquarters? So is Asmodeus the head honcho of the BMOLs? He doesn’t meet the description of the “Old Men” Or Men. But he is ancient so technically you could say he does... Thought she did a good job. Her character didn’t make me want to tip my tv over ala Claire. Sad that her first ep had to be one penned by the NepDuo. I thought that Danneel and Mark meshed well. Anael is actually making me pay more attention to Lucifer. All these characters and storylines. So confusing, messy and honestly - overkill. Dabb is scraping the guardrail and the Lamborghini is about to plunge down the ravine. The season was chugging along okay but now? I’m wondering if now that Gabriel’s back if that is how they all end up in ScoobyLand... Can’t say I’m excited with all the doornails showing up. It feels cheap. Like they are trying too hard. It’s not shocking or suspenseful - it’s wearing thin. It’s sad that death means nothing on this show anymore. The white suit AND the Southern accent? Were they hungry when they wrote this? I kept waiting for him to whip out a bucket of KFC with all the fixins to feed his remaining demon minions... ;)