MovieChat Forums > LeroyRobinson

LeroyRobinson (11)


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It did feel like the life was an endless loop of travelling, selling and partying. Wasn't boring, but I do wonder about the rave reviews. That's one of the reasons I rarely pay attention to ratings these days. I did like the main character though and I did care about her plight as well as the other magazine sellers. Fair enough, but often these films are based in the UK. As you state, Film 4 also provided funding so maybe that's what allowed it to be set in the USA Not real sex. Close, but no cigar. More money than sense! Definitely got shafted! I kept waiting for that too. Glad they avoided it though. Although the main character wasn't homeless when she decided to travel, I get your point. Having just watched it i was a little underwhelmed. Thanks. Good to know I'm not going crazy! Enjoyed certain aspects of the film but won't watch it again. I agree with the first part, that's why I watched it. As for seeing how bad it turned out, I was hopeful it would be good. It wasn't, but I didn't spend my money on Suicide Squad to "see how bad it turned out." Collateral Beauty is a snoozefest, $36m wasted. The good news: it's only 90 minutes long. Is it me or did Ed Norton look a little ill? i liked the cast of this film, the film's story, and a sullen Will Smith, just weren't interesting enough. My biggest issue was the ship has 5,000 paying passengers and only one medical bay and pod! What's up with that? I know it fit the story to have just one, but a little more thought could have dealt with this issue. View all replies >