MovieChat Forums > Maya > Replies
Maya's Replies
You would think if they were running this highly successful pharmaceutical company there would be more surveillance being done than just one dude with some binoculars and a stopwatch. That felt like a plot hole to me.
I thought it could have been a simulation for them to understand how their illnesses would effect them as they age. Like maybe they would all wake up and be able to make better decisions about their health/lives, i.e. the tumor removal being presented as this grand decision. Also the couple in the end not even remembering why they were fighting and just choosing to love and be content with each other in their last moments. Honestly I would have loved to see that as an ending instead.
I also thought the rapper had more knowledge of the place than everyone else and he would be the key to figuring it out. I wish he wouldn't have gotten killed off so fast because his character was interesting.
There were multiple scenes of the kids quite literally stuffing their faces...? There was also dialogue talking about how the kids were so hungry because they were growing into adults while everyone else was in their final form. Maybe re-watch the movie again...
Why not? It wouldn't be crazy to think out of all the wealthy people at that resort one of them could have been famous.
No need to be defensive, it's just a conversation...
And hence "monster" in quotes. It fits in with the genre while not being an actual monster.
Absolutely disturbing in a perfect way. Hiding and running away from the alien is how the characters spend the entire film. That scene takes you directly to the place you never want to go and holds it there. "What happens when people get abducted by aliens?" is a question every person has and will never find out. This scene tells you and it's not magical or mystical or paranormal. It's instead organic, animalistic and familiar. Possibly the best filmmaking choice in the entire movie.
The chimp didn't see Jupe as a threat since they were worked closer together than any of the other castmates. The little girl was a threat because she was the one who opened the box and set the balloons free, which popped and scared him. The dad was a threat because he ran up on him in an aggressive way.
I think the fist bump moment is left for the viewer to speculate. Personally, I think when the chimp stopped to try to communicate something to Jupe it might have been him saying that the others were dangerous. The fist bump was a "we're on the same team" type of confirmation.
It was hungry...
I was trying to remember what that first news story was--the hikers answers that question!
When did they say it was his first live show? I was under the impression he had been doing it for a while but it seems like it would have been on the news if that were the case. It makes more sense if that was the first time he tried.
Have you ever seen video of animal researchers that set up mirrors in the wild and record animals reacting to it? Animals usually interpret their reflection as another animal and attack the mirror.
The horse looking into the mirror set it off because it thought it was another animal. "Never look it in the eye" is an ongoing theme of animals seeing eye contact as aggression.
The monkey was spooked because the balloon floated up into the stage lights and popped. Fear of loud sounds is an extremely innate animal instinct. He immediately located the source of the problem, the little girl who opened the box, and maimed her until he thought the threat was eliminated. He killed the dad because he also saw him as a threat. He still put his paw up to the little boy because he had a close relationship with him and didn't associate him with danger.
No matter how much they trained the monkey he was still a wild animal. No matter how much Jupe trained the alien it was still a wild animal. He smiled right before he died because he was happy to this time see confirmation of "the circle of life" in a way that confused him as a child with a trained monkey who attacks everyone but him. The conundrum he fixated on his entire life (hence the weird hidden room) was finally put to rest.
It was injured/angry from eating the barbed wire fence.
The creature had just eaten and was looking for a new place to graze. It dumps peoples stuff right after a large meal and that's how the story starts, with the debris killing the dad. I thought that was enough of a backstory for me.
Hitchcock never explained why the birds were mad but that doesn't make it a bad "monster" movie.
" i think it only should've done that out of desperation, like they mortally wounded it and it had to reveal its form to make a final stand."
But that's literally... what happens? The creature changes shape right after being injured from eating the barbed wire fence. People did see/hear it from miles away which is why there are news vans there immediately after it dies.
Also it chose to dwell at a horse ranch because there was food there. I wasn't under the impression it was manipulating them.
Uh, what? Are you saying The Chappelle Show has realistic racism? Lmao it's not realistic. That's why it's funny. Realism in the Black community includes struggle, tragedy, trauma, disappointment, etc. Again, that wouldn't be involved in anything aiming for comedy.
My point is that films are not meant to be realistic. They're meant to tell a story. I don't really care that my valid point is repeated so often that it bothers you.
It sucks that these two came out around the same time because it meant people would inevitably compare them. I think both shows were really good. White Lotus was aiming for a different tone that maybe caused people to think more. This show was more of an experience of watching people go through something.
It didn't have as much of an impact because there were no loose ends, repercussions of what happened, etc. But it was only ever meant to be a mini-series anyway. I think it's unfair to pit them against each other. Both were good.
Because it would be a completely different film...? If they included realistic racism it wouldn't be a comedy and literally nothing would get accomplished because racism's whole goal is to interrupt people's daily lives. You wouldn't be able to watch one scene without them having to address a racial issue. Why would anyone want to watch that movie?
There's no reason why "double down or leave it out" should be the only options. They said just enough and it was nice to suspend disbelief for a moment to see the story come to a well-rounded ending. By the way you know what else wasn't realistic? All the time travel and aliens.
Wtf? Megan Fox is unanimously one of the hottest people on the planet. The fact that you sifted through this movie to find things she may have in common with YOU is very telling. Only someone truly insecure could type that all out. You're delusional. Seek help.
It's referencing how they all used to be friends with Laura and "unfriended" her after the video incident.