MovieChat Forums > sslssg > Replies

sslssg's Replies

LOL....okay....I was confused Is it Canada you dislike, or just hockey? I guess I just thought that some of the others doing the Breakfast Club style dance with him was a little out of place, but maybe not. The show really is great. Slow education totally explains so much. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I didn't realise The Revenant was 2 hours. Oops. I don't really remember it, other than I liked it when I saw it. Hope it doesn't suck as much as National Security or it will be a bad night. I know Ali isn't looking forward to Ready Player One as we just watched it, but I can watch it again no issue. Weird...I remember reading books set in Cali where the kids were in middle school in the 70s and 80s. I think Vince knows how much we all love him. Shhhhh....we've missed Vince terribly. What is wrong with you??? Lol....I think the disagreements are the ones that make the best episodes. We are exposed to too many American commercials here that vacation really started sneaking into the vernacular. But we didn't really reach a consensus...half of us think the aliens are real, and the other half of us don't. Lol I didn't finish reading your post and was very confused as to what part of that was or vacation are used so often here that neither one sounds off. Why would it piss you off? Are you single, and unable to find a woman? It makes no sense why you would be pissed off. Maybe SHE find him attractive? Also....people mesh on many different levels other than just looks. Yeah...I wouldn't consider this a twist ending at all. <blockquote>we should just ban ALL WORDS. maybe the left would like that. Safe quiet space for everyone. should we ask them? :D</blockquote> Or....maybe not be a dick and purposely say things you know will hurt And maybe it's worth considering that words actually do hurt. You might be interested in this study. That would be my order as well. I would put New Nightmare in between 3 and 4....I think. The rest I thought weren't worth rating. Probably a sphynx. What did she think of 4? We don't get a selection of GG cookies here. It's either mint, or the classic chocolate and vanilla pack. So yeah. None would be my favourite.