willjbeau's Replies

Just use her ID to look up her address. :) As someone who played the original FF7 and loved it, I disliked this. The villain for most of the movie was just a placeholder until they could shoehorn in Sephiroth (literally: they had to delay his appearance until near the end because his animation was expensive to do, what with all that hair). I didn't care about the placeholder villain and I didn't care about rehashing another battle between Cloud and Sephy. Since you didn't play the original you're coming from a different place. For me, it was a bunch of been there, done that. Yeah, me too. Older, thick ladies get me hard. America will turn to shit faster if Trump is re-elected. I read part of the novel and Barlow definitely talks. Strange choice for a vampire movie. Oh yeah? https://celebjihad.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/t_jennifer_connelly_nude_compilation2.jpg He said prosthetic, not CGI. https://media1.tenor.com/m/AEZMmpSwgzcAAAAC/boo.gif I agree with everything you said, but Elaine is the actress's name (Elaine Miles). The character is Marilyn Whirlwind. He says no. Yeah, dude. 🖐 Yeah, me too. Would you still hit that, even though she's in her 60s? Why? I only made it halfway through this piece of crap. Was there really something supernatural going on? Source? I hope Danger Mouse isn't a diddler. That's right, it's all the fault of the JOOOOOOS! What rumors? "Gay" as in "lame" or as in it has LGBTQ themes? It was in development for decades. How could it? Unless you're accusing Francis Ford Coppola of being able to see into the future or something.